This course will deal with the basic concepts of Linear Algebra. They include linear spaces, solution of linear systems of equations, least square solution for overdetermined systems, orthogonality, projections, eigenvalues and eigenvectors and the concept of factorizations or decomposition of matrices. Part of the course will be taught in a computing lab where the student will use the computing environment Matlab to achieve different goals like: manipulation of matrices and vectors, compute solutions of systems, build basis and orthogonal basis for subspaces, compute factorizations (decompositions), build projections, etc.
MATH 2413, Calculus I.
The students will
The class uses a lecture format on Mondays. Students are expected to read the
text before class as directed and be prepared to participate in the class by
calculating working with examples. The Wednesday lab meetings are held in a
computer laboratory, and consist of directed student inquiries with assistance
as needed.
Grades: Course grades will be based on quizzes (10%), homework (16%), Tests
(30%, 3@10% each), Labs (24%) and a final exam (20%). A weighted average of
at least 90% earns an A, 80% earns a B, 70% earns a C, 60% earns a D. Less than
60% earns an F.
Quizzes: Students will be quizzed on 10 basic procedures during the semester. Each quiz will be on a 10 point scale: 10 for mastered or essentially so and 0 for anything less. Collectively they will be worth the same as a test. There will be a couple of opportunities for students to make up quizzes, but demonstrating mastery out of the box will be essential for being successful in the course.
Homework: Homework will be assigned at each class meeting that we cover new material. In each section of the book, some exercises will be assigned but not collected. They will be the basis for quizzes and tests. A smaller number of problems will be assigned to be turned in and graded. This homework will be scored for correctness. Late homework is not accepted.
Tests: There will be 3 tests over the course of the semester. They will be cover the content of the most recent chapters. All tests are in class. You will be allowed to use a calculator (sorry, no cell phones). Unexcused absences from tests will get a score of 0. Excused absences must be reported as soon as reasonably possible. The missing grade from a test with an excused absence will be replaced by the student's score on the final exam.
Final Exam: The final exam will be comprehensive. It will be held on in the same room as the lecture. PLAN TO BE THERE.
Labs: A significant portion of the grade and credit for the course will be based the student's performance in the lab. The instructions for what to do in the lab will be available at the class moodle site (http://tux.tamucc.edu/~moodle/moodle). Peer discussion is promoted in the lab setting, however unless otherwise directed, the final product should be the result of individual work. Students are expected to download the appropriate lab and read it before coming to lab each week! Each of the 12 labs will be divided into two parts, practice and report. The practice log will be submitted and graded for completion (10 points), and the report will be submitted and graded for correctness (10 points). All labs logs are due the same week as they are done in class, and the lab reports are due the following week.
All lab assignments must be completed using Matlab and Microsoft Word. Late work will not be accepted without prior approval! A grade of zero may be given for any lab assignment not turned in on time.
Attendance: Attendance is expected at each lecture and lab meeting. I
will take attendance at each lecture and lab meeting. Attendance may also be
taken by work done and turned in in class. If you miss any in-class work without
an excused absence, you will not be allowed to make it up. If you miss a test
or final without prior permission or a verifiable medical excuse, you will receive
a 0 for that test or final. If you do have an excused absence, you must
submit a written claim (e-mail is OK) to that effect. Do not assume that I have
acknowledged your excuse until you have your claim returned with my approval.
Late Homework: Late homework is not accepted. If there is enough evidence that the class as a whole needs extra time, the deadline may be extended, but don't plan on that.
Correspondence: Because your grades are confidential, I will not discuss them over the phone. If you want me to send you information about your grades by email, it must be done through your kestrel (university) account or your moodle account. There is a help desk in CCH that can assist you in setting up your kestrel account if needed.
Registration: You are the only person responsible for your registration in this class. If for some reason you decide not to continue with the course, you will need to see your advisor or the registrar to drop the course. If you quit coming to class and do not drop, I am required by the university to submit a grade of SA (Stopped Attending) which is converted to an F. Please don't make me do that. If you have concerns about the way the class is going, by all means see me before taking action. We can try to assess situation before it becomes irreversible.
Help: Congratulations, you have reached a pinnacle of achievement in mathematics. Certainly less than 5 % of the university population is as familiar with mathematics as yourself. What this means, however, is that you are less likely to find competent help with your understanding outside the class. You will probably find it difficult to get a tutor for this material who knows the stuff inside and out. You should increasing rely on yourself, your classmates and your instructor to build your understanding of the material.
The Mathematics Program complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act in making reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. If you need disability accommodations in this class, please see me as soon as possible. Please have your accommodation letter from TAMU-CC Services for Students with Disabilities Office with you when you come see me. If you suspect that you may have a disability (physical impairment, learning disability, psychiatric disability, etc.), please contact the Services for Students with Disabilities Office (located in Driftwood 101) at 825-5816. It is important that you contact them in a timely fashion as it may take several days to review requests and prepare accommodations.