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Lab I: An Introduction to Derive for Windows

Lab II: Functions and Their Graphs

Lab III: Introduction to Limits of Functions

Lab IV: Exploration with the Derivatives

Lab V: Relationship between a Function and Its Derivative

Lab VI: Investigation the Intermediate Value Theorem and Fixed Points

Note that the functions defined in 2.a and 2.b have junky graphics. Sorry. I don't know how to fix those. The function g(x) in 2.a is the piece-wise defined function where the values for x <= 0 (<= means "less than or equal to" ) are given by the formula x^2 + 1. For x > 0 the values are given by 1 - x^2 - x^4. The function h(x) is similar except for a - sign as part of the definition for the values for x > 0.

Hint for Ready for Lab, #1. Look at p. 67 of the text, but don't use it for your answer. The characterization of continuity there is not different from the way it is used in the lab. See the definition on p. 132 of the text..

Lab VIII: Newton's Method

The only formatting problems this time is with the equations on page 2. The displayed equations don't have parentheses around the function values. Eg., f(x) is written as f x.

Lab VII: Linking up with the Chain Rule

Lab IX: Applications of the Derivative

Lab X: It all Adds Up

There are formatting problems with integral signs (they print as I's), summation signs (print as 3's), the symbol for infinity (prints as 4 (?)), and -> signs (prints as set membership symbol). Also, f(x) is displayed as f x. So your first assignment is to mark up your printout following the above.

Lab XI: Accumulation Functions

 Same formatting erros as in Lab X. Same first assignment.