Dr. Robert Cutshall
Office: OCNR 347
Phone: (361) 825-2665
Email: robert.cutshall@tamucc.edu
Ph.D. Business Computer Information Systems: University of North Texas
MBA: University of North Texas
BBA Finance: University of North Texas
- Research Interests: e-Commerce Design, Blockchain Technology, Cultural Influences in e-Commerce, Human Computer Interaction
- Teaching Interests: Data Analytics and Statistics, Website Design, Programming
Dr. Cutshall earned his Ph.D. in Business Computer Information Systems from the University of North Texas. He has several years of experience in database design, e-commerce website design, and two years of experience as a systems integration project manager. He has worked as a Lecturer at the University of North Texas. Currently, Dr. Cutshall is a Professor of Management Information Systems in the College of Business at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.
Selected Publications
- Determinants of Online Shopping Influencing Thai Consumers’ Buying Choices (with C. Changchit, R. Lonkani, K. Pholwan, R. Pongwiritthon), Journal of Internet Commerce (forthcoming)
- Shopping Preference: A Comparative Study of American and Taiwanese Perceptions (with C. Changchit, and T.R. Lee), Journal of International Technology and Information Management, (2014)
- Does the Use of a Virtual Spokesperson Induce Initial Trust in Electronic Commerce Websites? (with J. Sim), Review of Business Research (2013)
- Online Shopping Perceptions: A Comparison Between Anglo and Hispanic Perspectives (with C. Changchit), Journal of International Management Studies (2012)
- An Investigation of the Aesthetic Design Elements of e-Commerce Website Success, The E-Business Review (2010)