I Need Assistance

We care about how Islanders are doing and want to support you on your journey. If you find yourself challenged with one of the following, then please know we have resources to assist you.

  • Academic concerns
  • Death of a family member or friend
  • Medical concerns
  • Hospitalization
  • Financial issues
  • Food Assistance
  • Military Training or Deployment
  • Absences due to extenuating circumstances
  • Need for a student ombudsperson for help with understanding options 

If you are an Islander and in need of assistance for one of the above reasons, please click on the button below to make an appointment with the Student Assistance Case Manager.

If you are unsure if you need an appointment or if you need assistance for a different reason, please reach out anyway. You can call 361-825-6219 or email deanofstudents@tamucc.edu with questions.