The launch of GO Blue represents a major step forward in marine energy innovation and the blue economy. This initiative is a collaboration among three universities: the University of Michigan–Ann Arbor, Stevens Institute of Technology, and Texas A&M–Corpus Christi. As the lead institution, the University of Michigan has established the Center for Growing Ocean Energy Technologies and the Blue Economy (GO Blue) under the National Science Foundation’s Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers (IUCRC) program. GO Blue is committed to advancing marine energy technologies, fostering economic growth in coastal communities, and supporting global sustainability efforts. By harnessing the expertise of its partner institutions, GO Blue is well-positioned to drive technological breakthroughs, facilitate industry collaboration, and develop a skilled workforce. Over the next five years, faculty and students will engage in cutting-edge research, technology transfer, and workforce development, ensuring a lasting impact on the future of marine energy and environmental stewardship.
More Information
- Value Proposition
- Center Objectives
- Center Structure
- Institution Partners
- Developing Marine Energy Technology
- Powering the Blue Economy
- Assessing Impacts
- Workforce Training
- How It Works
Value Proposition
Maximize Research Investments
Reduce overhead costs significantly (from approximately 60% to less than 10%), ensuring more funds go directly to research. Membership fees provide a $90,000 research value for a $60,000 contribution. Additionally, leverage state and federal funding to further expand research efforts.
Royalty-Free Intellectual Property
Gain direct access to GO Blue’s multidisciplinary research team, including publications, presentations, and jointly developed intellectual property without royalty fees.
Graduate Student Intern Support
Engage and recruit highly skilled graduate students and postdoctoral researchers trained in industry-focused projects. Actively shape research initiatives by guiding project priorities. Additionally, the first three members receive paid and managed summer graduate student interns through GO Blue, valued at $30,000.
Link Text
Center Objectives
GO BLUE is dedicated to tackling global challenges in marine energy and the blue economy by uniting academia, industry, and government research efforts. With oceans and lakes covering over 70% of the Earth’s surface, harnessing marine energy is essential for combating climate change and driving the transition to clean energy. Aligned with the United Nations’ Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) and the White House’s Ocean Climate Action Plan, GO BLUE supports the advancement of wave energy, tidal currents, and offshore wind as key renewable resources.
Center Objectives
Center Structure
GO Blue reduces indirect costs, secures sustainable funding, and enhances student involvement in hands-on research directly contributing to the marine energy sector. Government agencies leverage the center’s work to maximize research impact, build industry connections, and train a skilled workforce. GO Blue hosts biannual Industry Advisory Board (IAB) meetings, rotating among the three sites, to review progress and launch new research initiatives. This collaborative model accelerates technology commercialization, supports coastal economies, and drives global climate action.
Center Structure
Institution Partners
Our Three Partner Institutions:
University of Michigan- Mechanical Engineering at Ann Arbor
Stevens Institute of Technology- Hoboken, New Jersey
Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi
Institution Partners
Developing Marine Energy Technology
Advancing renewable energy sources like wave, tidal, and offshore wind power.
Developing Marine Energy Technology
Powering the Blue Economy
Supporting sustainable industries such as offshore aquaculture and maritime transportation.
Powering the Blue Economy
Assessing Impacts
Ensuring responsible and equitable marine energy development.
Assessing Impacts
Workforce Training
Experiential learning, professional skills and annual workshops.
Workforce Training
How It Works
GO BLUE operates as a collaborative research center, bringing together industry partners, academic experts, and government agencies to drive innovation in marine energy and the blue economy.
How It Works
The GO BLUE Center for is supported by the National Science Foundation IUCRC-Indust-Univ Coop Res Ctr Award No. 2413225. This award is co-funded by the Division of Engineering Education and Centers in the Directorate for Engineering, and the Division of Research, Innovation, Synergies, and Education in the Directorate for Geosciences.