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Center for Information Assurance and Cyber Defense Directory

Picture of Dulal Kar

Dulal Kar, Ph.D.

Professor of Computer Science

Office: CI 321
Phone: (361) 825-5878
Email: dulal.kar@tamucc.edu
Website: https://faculty.tamucc.edu/dkar

Signal and image processing algorithms, network architecture and performance measurement, network and information security, information retrieval, and educational technology
Picture of Carlos Rubio Medrano

Carlos Rubio Medrano, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Office: CI 339
Phone: (361) 825-3436
Email: carlos.rubiomedrano@tamucc.edu
Website: https://carlosrubiomedrano.com/

Picture of Mamta Yadav

Mamta Yadav, Ph.D.

Associate Professional Professor

Office: CI 320
Phone: (361) 825-2688
Email: mamta.yadav@tamucc.edu
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/mamtayadav/home

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