FDL Review Process


The Center for Faculty Excellence Committee's Faculty Development Leave Subcommittee consisting of one Full Professor faculty members from each of the 5 colleges, will review all completed proposals submitted on time and make recommendations to the Provost.

Primary Criteria for Evaluation

  1. The overall clarity of the proposal. The Faculty Development Leave request should be well organized and written in a way which is clearly understandable to a lay audience, with any important technical terms explained.  The description of the leave should not need supplementary information for the reviewer to understand the project.
  2. The proposal’s statement of benefits detailing the merits of the proposed activity in relation to the mission and strategic goals of Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, as stated in the University Catalog; the merits of the proposed project in enhancing the applicant’s teaching, scholarship, and/or creative work; and the merits of the proposed project in contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field.
  3. The Regents’ Abstract concisely stating location, purpose, activity, benefits, and impacts of the leave conveying sufficient information for a basic understanding of the project. 
  4. The applicant’s previously demonstrated initiative in the areas of teaching, research, publication, creative activities, or professional activities.
  5. The applicant’s intention of continued service in the profession and at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi and willingness to comply with reporting requirements (as indicated on the application form).
  6. Statements by at least two professional peers (one of whom must be the appropriate Department Chair) assessing the proposal’s merit. 
  7. Statement from the College Dean of the faculty member’s college endorsing the proposed leave.

Secondary Criteria for Evaluation:

  1. Length of service at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.
  2. Extent to which Faculty Development Leave is necessary for accomplishment of the proposed activity. 
  3. Where available, documented results from previous Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Research Enhancement grants (college and university) received by the applicant. 
  4. Length of time elapsed since last Faculty Development Leave.



  1. After the Dean of the faculty member’s college evaluates the proposal, the recommendations will be submitted to the Center for Faculty Excellence Committee. 
  2. The Committee will review the merit of the recommendations based on the previously mentioned criteria and will submit recommendations to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. 
  3. The Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs will review and accept/reject the recommendations. 
  4. After reviewing the accepted recommendations with the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, the President will submit a list of university nominees to the Chancellor for recommendation to the Board of Regents for final approval prior to the effective date of leave. 
  5. The Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs shall be responsible for overseeing the administration of these awards.
  6. Once awarded and accepted, the terms and conditions of the leave may not be altered.