

(1)   "Sign" means any method of displaying a visual message to others, except that transferring possession of a copy of a message is distribution of literature and not a sign.

(2)   Political signage for public office shall adhere to all requirements contained in University Rule 07.03.01.C2: Political Campaign Events on Property under the Control of Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.

(3)   Student groups shall follow University Center & Student Activities approval process available at  Department groups shall follow University Procedure 41.01.99.C1, Sec. 2.1

(4)   Non-University groups shall follow University Procedure No. 44.01.99.C1, Sec 2.2 and Sec, 4.2 on Sales/Rentals and Solicitations.  All event signage for Non-University groups must be coordinated through Community Outreach.

(5)   No signage that promotes illegal activity or violates any TAMUCC, state or federal laws and policies will be permitted. This includes alcohol, tobacco, firearms, or violence and cannot include discriminatory language or information.

(6)   No signage that promotes a hate crime or hazing will be permitted.  See Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 and Texas State Law Education Code, Sec 37.151 and 51.936 and Penal Code Sec 4.52.

(7)   Signage considered as advertising for companies or other non-university groups must be reviewed and approved by Institutional Advancement and University Services

(8)   Signs for safety and emergency will be posted as deemed necessary by authorized personnel and must include contact information along with date.

(9)   Any signage impeding of foot traffic, must notify Disability Services at 825-5816.

(10) Signage that is to be permanently affixed to walls must first be approved by the Executive Vice President for Finance & Administration.