Student Endowment Scholarship Committee

Purpose or Function: The purpose of the Student Endowment Scholarship Committee is to serve as the advisory body for the Student Endowment Scholarship and Internship Program as established by the Texas Legislature. The committee determines the eligibility requirements for scholarship and internship funding and selects students to receive the scholarships and internship funding based on established requirements.

Membership: The Student Endowment Scholarship Committee is chaired by the Vice President for Student Engagement and Success and Intercollegiate Athletics. Voting members of the committee include five (5) faculty representatives recommended by Faculty Senate and appointed by their respective dean/director, a Staff Council representative, a Career and Professional Development Center representative (internships), a Student Activities representative (leadership), and one student appointed by the Student Government Association. Representatives from the Office of Student Financial Assistance, the Scholarship Office, Dean of Students (leadership), and Islander Housing (leadership) serve as non-voting members. The Student Government Association President and Vice President serve as voting ex-officio members. Unless otherwise noted, faculty/staff representatives are appointed by the area supervisor and serve two-year renewable terms, except for the Staff Council representative, which serves a one-year renewable term. Student members serve one-year renewable terms.

Chair: Vice President for Student Engagement and Success and Intercollegiate Athletics

Responsible University Official: Vice President for Student Engagement and Success and Intercollegiate Athletics

Student Endowment Scholarship Committee Members
Name Unit Represented Term End

Adrian Rodriguez

Vice President for Student Engagement and Success and Intercollegiate Athletics (Chair)


Meredith Melville

Faculty Representative

May 31, 2025

Dimitrios Koutmos

Faculty Representative

May 31, 2026

Kelly Russell

Faculty Representative

May 31, 2025

Tracy Harper

Faculty Representative

May 31, 2026

Judy Metcalf

Faculty Representative

May 31, 2025

Alimursal Ibrahimov

Staff Council

May 31, 2025

Maddy Elliott

Student Government Association

May 31, 2025

Leslie Mills

Career and Professional Development Center

May 31, 2025

Stephanie Schmidt

Student Activities

May 31, 2026

Jeannie Gage

Office of Student Financial Assistance (non-voting)

May 31, 2026

Linda Buckley

Scholarship Office (non-voting)

May 31, 2025

Lisa Perez

Dean of Students (non-voting)

May 31, 2026

Neftali Rivera

Islander Housing (non-voting)

May 31, 2025

Andrea Hinojosa

Student Government Association President (ex-officio)


Ashley Wingate

Student Government Association Vice President (ex-officio)


Last Updated: 08/06/2024