Manager's Quick Guide to Success

Download the Manager's Quick Guide here

Before the first day

  • Inform your administrative associate (HR Contact) of the new employee’s acceptance of the job offer and the expected start date.
  • Ensure the employee’s office or workspace is clean, prepared and basic supplies are provided.
  • Ensure various system accesses have been requested (i.e. phone number).
  • Plan the first week’s activities for the new employee.

The first day

  • Personally welcome the new employee to the department.
  • Coordinate efforts with the administrative associate to ensure employee is appropriately guided through the first few days.
    • Ensure access to required systems has been obtained or, at the least, requested.
    • Ensure someone is available to have lunch with the employee.
  • Provide keys to the office and desk, if applicable.

The first week

  • Have a meeting to personally discuss:
    • Employee’s job duties and responsibilities
    • Performance goals and expectations
  • Workplace expectations (e.g., work hours, break times, dress code, procedures for reporting absences and requesting leave, department meetings)
  • Workplace safety and emergency procedures
  • Your communication preferences (e.g., email, degree of formality)
  • Disciplinary process
  • Job-specific training requirements
  • System-required training
  • Ensure employee receives access cards and obtains a SandDollar.
  • Ensure the employee has access to email, calendaring, office equipment and phone usage
  • Provide meaningful work.

The first month

  • Send the employee to a New Hire Workshop
  • Check progress and provide performance and behavioral feedback
  • Create an employee development plan.

The first year

  • Talk to the employee frequently to assist him/her in understanding the organization and to provide the employee with the necessary resources to be
  • Recognize positive contributions  
  • Check progress by holding structured discussions to review performance goals and identify areas of improvement and growth (best practice is a minimum of 90- day intervals, and more often if the employee is experiencing performance problems).*

*The purpose of these “coaching sessions” is to provide employees every opportunity to succeed by reinforcing success and redirecting as necessary.