Inner Circle of Excellence
- Carol and Art Zietler
- David H. Miller
- Dr. Kamiar Kouzekanani
- James Rennier
- Elizabeth Sefcik, Ph.D., RN, GNP, BC
- Estate of Paddy G. Lann, Jr.
- John W. Crutchfield
- Joyce W. Cloud
- Lilliana A. Murray
- Lorwen L. and George J. Merriman, Jr. M.D.
- Lynda Y. and Harris A. Kaffie
- Paddy Lann Jr. Trust
- Renee and Ray Frisbie
- Ruth A. Campbell
- Susan and Eric Kern
- Waltraud Kluetsch DeVille
- Amy Shelton McNutt Charitable Trust
- Anne C. Parr
- April and Jay Graham
- Arthur F. Lobe
- Attlee M. Cunningham, Jr.
- Bank of America
- Barba G. Silverman Endowed Professorship in Literacy
- Bernard A, and Joan L. Paulson
- Berry Contracting, Inc.
- Bette Williams and Lewie Barber
- Buccaneer Commission, Inc.
- C. Winn Family
- Carl E. and MaryJane Crull
- Charles and Suzanne Ferguson
- Cheniere Energy
- Corpus Christi Roadrunners, Inc.
- Corpus Christ Caller-Times
- Corpus Christi Cotillion Club
- Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation
- Daniel Edmond and Carol Isensee Kilgore
- Davidson Family Charitable Foundation
- Drew M. Bingham Foundation
- Dorothy B. Goodman
- Flavius and Kathy Killebrew
- Frances M. Ulkes
- ExxonMobil Corporation
- Fred and Vanessa Braselton Family and Braselton Homes
- Frost Bank
- Fulton*Coastcon General Contractors
- George A. Finley III and Family
- George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation
- Hulings Family
- Industrial Fabricators of Corpus Christi
- International Bank of Commerce
- Janet L. Tysinger and Dr. Eve L. Laymar
- John J. Buckley Foundation
- John O. Heldenfels
- Leon Stephen Loeb
- Lucien and Maxine Flournoy
- Lynda Y. and Harris A. Kaffic
- Marine Technology Society-Houston Section
- Marty R. Pritchett
- Michael O'Brien, Trustee of the Guy A. Richhart, Jr. Testamentary Trust
- Mr. and Mrs. Ted and Dee Stephens
- John Roger Bateman
- Navy Army Community Credit Union
- One Hundred Club of Corpus Christi
- Patricia and Benjamin Wallace
- Patricia H. Suter
- Patty Puig Mueller
- PlainsCapital Bank
- Robert Garcia and Bill Richmond
- Rotary Club of Corpus Christi
- Ruth and Joseph A. O' Brien
- Ruth Campbell
- Ruth Parr Sparks Foundation
- Sandra and Blair Sterba-Boatwright
- San Antonio Area Foundation
- SBC Foundation
- Scott Electric Company
- SSP/Circle K
- Texas A&M-Corpus Christi Foundation
- Texas Pioneer Foundation
- The M.S. Doss Foundation. Inc.
- The Meadows Foundation
- The Moody Foundation
- The Walton Family Foundation
- The Welch Foundation
- Time Warner Cable Inc.
- Willard H. Hammonds Sr.
- William Randolph Hearst Foundation
- Wynell H. Ball
- American Bank
- Anonymous
- ARGUS Software
- AT&T
- BP American Production Company
- Coastal Bend Community Foundation
- Earl C. Sams Foundation
- Frazier Family Foundation, Inc.
- Gloria Hicks
- Harmon A. and Grace W. Dobson Arts Fund
- Howard E. and Mary H. Butt Foundation
- James R. Dougherty, Jr. Foundation
- Jean N. Boatwright
- Jeannette Holloway
- John Allen King
- Karen and Larry Urban
- Loris Jane Welhousen Management Trust
- Lucille Freeman Glasscock
- Melvyn N. Klein
- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Kennedy Foundation
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Furgason
- Ruth and Joseph Sheinberg
- Shell Oil Company
- The John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation
- The Mary and Jeff Bell Foundation
- Valero Refining Company
- Wells Fargo Bank
- Whataburger
- AEP Texas
- Behmann Brothers Foundation
- Building Conservation Trust
- Celika Storm
- CITGO Refining- Corpus Christi, TX
- Coastal Bend Community Foundation
- Dr. Donald E. Joynder and Dr. Betty C. Joyner
- Edwin and Patsy Dunn Singer
- Flint Hills Resources
- H-E-B
- Jagdev and Linda Cheema
- Jonathan M. Hornblower
- LaVerne and Thomas Howell Foundation
- Lena Coleman-Wilson The L.C. Foundation, Inc.
- Margaret Turnbull
- Miriam Wagenschein
- Port of Corpus Christi
- Puente de Maravillas Foundation
- Rene Haas and David Perry
- Thomas J. Henry
- Tres Grace Foundation
- Coastal Conservation Association
- Jack and Susie Dugan Family
- Marvin Collins
- Ed Rachal Foundation
- Estate of Lawrence M. Atkins
- Gazzie and Guy Warren
- Greater Texas Foundation
- Harte Charitable Foundation
- Harte Research Support Foundation
- Jeannette Holloway The Estill Foundation
- Jessie Frances Neal Foundation
- John W. Crutchfield
- Louise G. and John O. Chapman
- Mary and Jeff Bell
- Mary and Paul Haas
- Morris L. Lichtenstein, Jr. Foundation
- Olga E. Doan
- Rogelio "Roger" Benavides
- Samuel H. Frech
- South Texas Academic Rising Stars L&F Distributors, Ltd.
- Susser Holdings, LLC.
- The Blanche Moore Foundation
- The Ewing Halsell Foundation
- The John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation
- The Lonnie Wright Family
- Virginia C. and Ennis S. Joslin
- William "Dusty" Durrill
- William and Maureen Miller
- Woo Sung and Shaiok Lee
- City of Corpus Christi
- Edward H. Harte
- Michael and Karen O'Connor
- The Dobson Family
- Zula H. and Conrad M. Blucher