Office of Risk, Ethics, and Compliance

Office of Risk, Ethics, and Compliance

The Office of Risk, Ethics, and Compliance provides training and services to promote a culture of compliance campus-wide while mitigating significant risks, investigating, and resolving allegations, and reducing the consequences of non-compliance with federal and state laws.

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RIsk Management

The purpose is to minimize the adverse effects of unpredictable events by identifying, evaluating, and controlling loss exposures faced by the University.
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Emergency Planning and Management

As part of risk management, the University identifies potential emergency situations and develops plans to address them.
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Export Controls

The University ensures campus representatives who travel abroad and/or conduct official business overseas follow federal and state guidelines to protect confidential and proprietary information.
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Conflict of Interest

Information regarding travel rules, safety information, and training also is provided.
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Civil Rights Investigations/Title IX

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi promptly investigates all claims of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.
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Open Records

The Texas Public Information Act ensures access to information from government entities.
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Enterprise Risk Management and Compliance

Identifies potential events or incidents that could adversely impact the university and devises a plan to mitigate those risks.
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Additional resources regarding Risk, Ethics, and Compliance.
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Additional Resources

Additional resources regarding Risk, Ethics, and Compliance.