Joshua Bridgwater Hamilton
The Windward Review is proud to highlight contributor Joshua Bridgwater Hamilton, following his successful release of Rain Minnows with Gnashing Teeth Publishing. Hamilton is a splendid, regional voice in South Texas, whose work is masterful in its composition and poignant in its commentaries. Hamilton's work is an unconstrained exploration of creative writing often featuring bilingual works, that challenge our linguistic perceptions and enchant us with uniquely vivid imagery.
Night Crystals
Walk into new snow:
Night of mirror, blank page,
And rustle of warm kernel
Where frost fingers breach numbness
Into snow-sphere and crystal cackle –
Jagged soft soundprint.
Park all got up in bright mantle;
Within pink flush of city
Pulse scribbles the small hollows:
Typocriptic shedding
Of muscle memory
Into the congress of boughs –
Our chorus settles
With a long, creaking sigh.
Evolution of the Lunger
Esta tormenta
huddles its tortoise shell over the shocked birth — un pez,
a floodsy gripe, un grito, then ponderous
ponderosa bass fills the looming (sangre en el templo).
Suspira… because its back again,
mouth gaping — boca grande --
suffering oxygen instead of pure water.
Agua, Acqua, Aquatic --
the fish swimmer lives
between clear current
and mirror sky:
el cielo, la corriente, pasos pesados
llenando sin hueco.