Facts about Mary and Jeff Bell Library
Library Facts and Figures 2019-2020
2022-2023 Academic Year Updates Coming Soon
Visitors & Hours
- 267,909+ visitors to the building
- 152 researchers visited Special Collections & Archives
- 8,649+ visitors to the GROW Suite
- Open 106 hours during a normal week
Classes & Ask Us
- 273 classes taught / 8,424 students reached
- 2,766 questions answered
- 1,502 chat interactions
- 760 in person, 457 by telephone and email, 42 by text
Website & Guides
- 259,948 page views
- 177,492 unique page views
- 82,708 visits were recorded to the 191 online guides
- We created 1,500+ social media posts (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) earning 83,000+ likes and 225,000+ engagements
- Added 45 new videos to our YouTube channel, a 92.3% increase in views and a watch time increase of 94%
Print & eBook Collections
- 294,759 print books
- 537,306 eBooks
- 65,627 physical media titles
- 309,268 electronic media titles
Databases & Journals
- 314 different databases
- 11,593 print journals
- 138,255 e-journals
- 26,980 Special Collections & Archives items in the repository
- 1,575 items in our Research & Scholarship collections in the repository
Interlibrary Loans
- 2,066 items borrowed from other institutions
- 3,822 items loaned to other institutions
- 1,151 document delivery requests fulfilled
- 5,006 miles to Tromslø, Norway is the longest distance ILL
- 10.96 days for print request fulfillment
- 1.70 days for scan/pdf request fulfillment
- 100,000+ square feet building space
- 5,600+ square feet in Special Collections & Archives
- 4,700+ square feet in the I-Create Lab
Artists, Seats, & Outlets
- 89 artists have art displayed in the library
- 159 3D print jobs
- 601 large format print jobs
- 887 seats in public spaces reduced to 285 for safe social distancing)
- 912 outlets available for charging (522 regular and 912 USB)