Library Islander Board

What is the Library Islander Board (LIB)?

The Library Islander Board is the student advisory group of the Mary and Jeff Bell Library at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. Members of LIB will collaborate and communicate with library faculty and staff, offering feedback and insight into student perceptions of library resources and services.

Members will represent a variety of student populations and engage with the library on behalf of the larger student body. They will help promote library resources, services, and events and participate in user experience research.

Who is eligible to join?

All current Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi students are eligible to serve on the Board. Applications will be considered and the library will announce appointments during the first three weeks of the Fall semester. The library’s User Engagement & Assessment Department will select the board from the applications submitted.

How long do I serve?

LIB members will serve two-year terms. We encourage members to include this service activity on their resume. The Board will meet at least two to three times each semester.

Letters of recommendation and appointment to the Board will be available for LIB members.

How do I apply?

Interested students can fill out the application form for LIB membership. The library will notify all applicants via email by the third week of September.