4-U group prepares for next legislative session (student news)


This is a photo of a newspaper article and a drawing a a man wearing a hat and suit.
4-U group prepares for next legislative session (student news)
Jerry Winkler
Bibliographic Citation
Winkler, J. (1987, July 13). 4-U group prepares for next legislative session. University News, Vol. 14, No. 32.
This article discusses the desire to recruit more students to join the 4-U group, the cost of membership, and the importance of a 4-year for students, attracting companies and industries, and more opportunities for jobs and degree offers. The article also touches on the proposed legislation for making CCSU a 4-year and that 4-U is building a new campaign for a 4-year bill after recent lack of action because of their beliefs in the higher education needs of the area.
Date Issued
July 13, 1987
University News, Corpus Christi State University
Photo of a newspaper article