Higher Ed. select committee to meet on campus Thursday (student news)


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Higher Ed. select committee to meet on campus Thursday (student news)
University News
Bibliographic Citation
University News. (1986, January 27). Higher Ed. select committee to meet on campus Thursday. University News, Vol. 13, No. 17.
This news article discusses a meeting on campus that will take place with the state-wide Select Committee on Higher Education. University President Sugg is also the chairman of the Council of Presidents and had previously addressed the goals of higher education through the year 2000 with the committee. Along with State Senator Truan, President Sugg will welcome higher education professionals representing various group who will be presenting and joining discussions. Some of the groups represented include the Mexican American Task Force on Higher Education, Mexican American Studies at University of Houston Park, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the Mexican American Legal Caucus, and the Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education.
Date Issued
January 27, 1986
University News, Corpus Christi State University
Photo of a newspaper article