Student Letters to the Future from 1995- 20th Century Memoirs


Page 3: black and white photos on a pink background. Top- a woman in graduation regalia poses inside a room behind a recliner, bottom- two men run on a track outdoors
Page 6: collage of photos. Starting from the top left corner going clockwise: multi-story apartment buildings with balconies and palm trees, a vertical of a logo of TAMU-CC, a woman standing in front of a car, a receipt dated Sept. 2, 1995 from Wal-Mart showing prices for 3 notebooks and hair color totaling $14.48
Page 9: black and white photo of a man in a truck under trees on a yellow background
Page 12: black and white photos of a sign with white lettering spelling the university name, middle- a view of an angular building from the ground to the sky, bottom- the entrance of the Center for Instruction building on a blue background
Student Letters to the Future from 1995- 20th Century Memoirs
The booklet contains a collection of papers written by different students in the fall semester of 1995 regarding their experiences in their first semester of college and their thoughts on current events. The papers are written as letters to be read in fifty years by future family members.

The authors of this booklet are Livia Cortez, Susan Gardner, David Pearl, and Irma Valdez