Student Letters to the Future from 1995- 1995


Page 2: multiple photos of sports players in the shape of 1995
Page 7: collage of photos. Starting from the top left corner going clockwise: a cut-out of Magic Johnson's name, a basketball player in a Lakers jersey with a basketball, a basketball player in a Bulls jersey under a basketball net, a man holding his chin in deep thought, a small black car, a multi-story apartment building with balconies, a pair of lace-up boots, a sports jersey with Johnson 32, a Texas Lotto ticket
Page 11: collage of photos.  Starting from the top left corner going clockwise: a football player with a number 22 jersey labeled "Emmitt Smith", a black and white house with a fire hydrant in the foreground labeled "Damon's Work Place",  a multi-story apartment building with balconies labeled "Damon's home", a stucco building with palm trees and cars parked outside labeled "Miramar Office", and a blue truck in a parking lot labeled "Damon's truck"
Page 15: collage of photos on a yellow background. Starting from the top left corner going clockwise: a black and white photo with a man in a tee shirt labeled "eric",  a multi-story apartment building with balconies, a horizontal logo of TAMU-CC, a man in a tee shirt, a black backpack and blue hat, a blue and white student discount card, and a beef ramen package
Page 16: collage of photos. Starting from the top left corner going clockwise: a man with a blue tee shirt balancing a basketball on his finger, a man with arms crossed wearing a blue tee shirt and blue shorts in a parking lot with the beach and water in the background, and a man in a tee shirt, a black backpack and blue hat standing in the grass in front of a balcony and door
Student Letters to the Future from 1995- 1995
The booklet contains a collection of papers written by different students in the fall semester of 1995 regarding their experiences in their first semester of college and their thoughts on current events. The papers are written as letters to be read in fifty years by future family members.

The authors of this booklet are Ernesto Eduardo Cantu, Damon Donoho, and Jeremy Pendergast