Charlyene Creger newspaper announcing graduation


Image of newspaper article that reads "1945
Miss Charlyne Creger, Norman, a member of the final class of Women Airforce Service Pilots whe will receive their wings in a cere- mony at Avenger field, Sweetwater Tex., today.
Gen. Henry H. Arnold, command ing general of the Army Air forces; Lt. Gen. Barton K. Yount, com manding general of the AAF Train- ng command; Miss Jacqueline Coch
director of women pilots; and cers of the training command are scheduled to take part in the program. The AAF will pay tribute to the WASP for their contribution to the air war effort.
The ceremony will coincide with termination of the WASP training program and with start of a two- weeks period during which the en- tire WASP utilization program will be deactivated.
The WASPs have completed an aerial and ground school curricu- um which is equivalent to that given male aviation cadets. Today there are WASPS who fly all com- bat aircraft types including the jet plane, the fastest fighter types, and B-29 Superbombers in diversified classes of work.
Miss Creger's mother, Mrs. C. L. Creger, 613 Nebraska street, and sister, Mrs. H. C. Bailey, jr., left Tuesday night for Sweetwater to at- tend the graduation exercises."
Charlyene Creger newspaper announcing graduation
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