Charlyene Creger timeline education 2


Image of text that reads- "graduate school was rejected because "no women in the field of physio 5gjcal
psychology." Application to med school was rejected because I wa(s a
female and would keep some male from being accepted and I would marry and
never practice.
1964 While in the work span of 1960-68 I again had enough "comp" time to spend 3
months in Europe, and was invited to view and form comparative analysis of
anesthesia with the Queen's anesthesiologist being my mentor. WE ARE SUPER by
1968 Fell off the house and compounded and comminuted the left tibia - after 3
surgeries (18 months in casts and braces) I returned to L.S.U.
1969 While still in a long leg brace I was "loaned" to a new state hospital in Baton
Rouge, LA as Chief of the Anesthisia Dept. - Returned tc outhpctro er about 14
1970  Freelanced i  o thportxnd country towns within 90 miles and El Dorado,
Arkansas, while anM. was in a residency in anesthisia.
1972  Returned to L.S.U. and also worked at Shriner's Hospital on surgery days and  O.B.
call at anothe  thp)    pifAte irefdin 1980.
1980 Upon retirement I hit the road - In China I observed acupuncture in communes.
I've wanted to work with the barefoot doctors but am too old to learn the
language. 46 countries later I stilll enjoy travelling. At age 70 I parasailed over
Acapulco Bay and received an ovation from about 200 workman when I knocked down
three men on landing. Hot air balloning in Africa and ro -codpjot with a one armed JL1"
pilother . None can compare with the one to Russia. Eughenia ) visited in 1990 - She
also visited in D.C. with Elaine Harmon, Lorainne, and T .o~y  Quite an experiences
1990  Chosen the "Forgotten Hero" and onor d 'howeverI refused it unless all 1074   were
included n  was done. Sincergi've given so many speeches in an  a ejmt to
get funds for WIMSAJAFB, LA asked me to speak at Women's Week ?WIarch, /43i r
.__  It was quite an honor '      2                                 game
It seems that I should have hs iiecoaching in speaking for during the years of trying
to get WASP militarization I a  used "comp" time to bum rides with Royale airlines to fly)(me) '
free to various military tiri meetings. I followed our colorful Governor Edwin Edwards in
N.Og a captive audience, our petition was accepted and wen  Nate o i  in~Colorado.  e
Dorothy Davis (W-10) sent money for my expenses there. I mari e in the rain front and center
- perhaps the first time a WASP was so honored. This is a story in itself. Bet Reed (W-9) and
Doris Tanner also had their state representatives there to back us upggN.J. Williams.gave a
stirring speech which must have influenced them favorably. This deserves more space but I
won't do a thesis right now. I did feel very strongly about this and devoted a lot of time and
effort toward this. WE WON, didn't we? And to read the hearings of 1945 I want to dig up our
Louisianna Congressman who stated: "Have these women take off those glamorous uniforms
and put on nurse's uniforms!" How ignorant!"
Charlyene Creger timeline education 2
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