Letter from Charlyene Creger


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I worked enough "K" time to have three months off to travel in Europe
with a friend from Arkansas; a neurosurgeon (female-one of the rare ones at
that time) that was doing some study at Queen's Hospital in London. We left
very little unseen or unexplored in those three months! I bought a VW "bug"
which was driven 6,000 miles into every back alley, pensione and up to every
mountain we could find...and of course, that's another story!
At any rate, I managed to coordinate my work hours on weekends, stayed
on campus at Natchitoches, LA (Northwestern) to get enough hours to apply for
a PhD, only to be turned down because of my sex!! So... Scotch-like, I figured I
was better off "as is" since it was quite challenging anyway. If I live long
enough (I'll be 83 on December 24th!), I'll fill in the gaps from retirement to the
present. I've seen so much of this world (46 countries in 10 years)-they even
know me in the back alleys of Hong Kong!
We won't go into my health, but usually I rally most of the time, but have
an occasionally rough day or more at times. I'm the last of my family and am
really like the Eveready battery-"Going and blowing"!
With warmest regard,"
Letter from Charlyene Creger
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