Student Letters to the Future from 1995- 20th Century Memoirs


Part of Student Letters to the Future from 1995- 20th Century Memoirs

Page 3: black and white photos on a pink background. Top- a woman in graduation regalia poses inside a room behind a recliner, bottom- two men run on a track outdoors
Page 6: collage of photos. Starting from the top left corner going clockwise: multi-story apartment buildings with balconies and palm trees, a vertical of a logo of TAMU-CC, a woman standing in front of a car, a receipt dated Sept. 2, 1995 from Wal-Mart showing prices for 3 notebooks and hair color totaling $14.48
Page 9: black and white photo of a man in a truck under trees on a yellow background
Page 12: black and white photos of a sign with white lettering spelling the university name, middle- a view of an angular building from the ground to the sky, bottom- the entrance of the Center for Instruction building on a blue background
Student Letters to the Future from 1995- 20th Century Memoirs