Student Letters to the Future from 1995- 1995


Part of Student Letters to the Future from 1995- 1995

Page 2: multiple photos of sports players in the shape of 1995
Page 7: collage of photos. Starting from the top left corner going clockwise: a cut-out of Magic Johnson's name, a basketball player in a Lakers jersey with a basketball, a basketball player in a Bulls jersey under a basketball net, a man holding his chin in deep thought, a small black car, a multi-story apartment building with balconies, a pair of lace-up boots, a sports jersey with Johnson 32, a Texas Lotto ticket
Page 11: collage of photos.  Starting from the top left corner going clockwise: a football player with a number 22 jersey labeled "Emmitt Smith", a black and white house with a fire hydrant in the foreground labeled "Damon's Work Place",  a multi-story apartment building with balconies labeled "Damon's home", a stucco building with palm trees and cars parked outside labeled "Miramar Office", and a blue truck in a parking lot labeled "Damon's truck"
Page 15: collage of photos on a yellow background. Starting from the top left corner going clockwise: a black and white photo with a man in a tee shirt labeled "eric",  a multi-story apartment building with balconies, a horizontal logo of TAMU-CC, a man in a tee shirt, a black backpack and blue hat, a blue and white student discount card, and a beef ramen package
Page 16: collage of photos. Starting from the top left corner going clockwise: a man with a blue tee shirt balancing a basketball on his finger, a man with arms crossed wearing a blue tee shirt and blue shorts in a parking lot with the beach and water in the background, and a man in a tee shirt, a black backpack and blue hat standing in the grass in front of a balcony and door
Student Letters to the Future from 1995- 1995