Unit takes over museum


Part of Unit takes over museum

Newspaper clipping with a photo of Col. Floyd H. Buch and Mrs. Billie T. Chandler beside a framed painting, titled "Unit takes over museum."

Text Transcription:

Headline: Corpus Christi Caller

Date and Section: Corpus Christi, Texas, Tuesday, September 10, 1974, Section B

Caption: Col. Floyd H. Buch, Mrs. Billie T. Chandler with Oriental painting

Article Title: Unit takes over museum

Article Body: A new nonprofit organization, the Billie Trimble Chandler Art Foundation, yesterday assumed ownership of the Japanese Art Museum of Corpus Christi. Mrs. Billie T. Chandler, owner and creator of the museum, donated the collection of Japanese dolls, objects d’art, dioramas, sculptures, paintings and scale models to the foundation. Under terms of the agreement, Mrs. Chandler was named permanent director of the museum and will retain ownership of the building.

Heading the foundation’s executive board is Col. Floyd H. Buch (USA, ret.). Other officers are Dr. Sam Woolvin and J.B. Trimble; DeWitt Morgan and Sam Gottlich.

During the meeting which followed the acceptance of Mrs. Chandler’s gift, the chairman announced a membership drive, which will include a mailing of brochures.

Mrs. Chandler made a gift of $500 to the foundation to be used to pay the expenses of the Japanese ambassador for a visit to Corpus Christi.
Unit takes over museum
Corpus Christi Caller,
September 10, 1974
Mrs. Chandler donated the collection of Japanese dolls and other artifacts to the nonprofit organization, the Billie Trimble Chandler Art Foundation in 1974.
The museum is a great asset to the community through its display and programs.
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