Appreciation letter


Part of Appreciation letter

Typed letter dated November 6, 1964, to Mrs. Billie T. Chandler at Itazuke Air Force Base Dependent School from Mrs. Josephine Ripley, Chief Librarian.

Text Transcription:

Mrs. Billie T. Chandler
Itazuke Air Force Base
Dependent School
APO 929, U.S Forces

6 Nov 1964

Dear Mrs. Chandler:

It is my pleasure to write you and let you know how very much I enjoyed the wonderful exhibit of Hakata Ryu art, and the delightful original program at the Officer's Club luncheon last Tuesday.

I am indeed happy to have the same exhibits on display at the library, and to participate in and help with the Chandler Essay and Short Story contest which is an end result of this fine exhibition.

Everyone who saw the exhibits could only feel one way, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever!" These were Keats' immortal words. How inspiring also is the educational concept behind such art-the combination of history, legend, folk-lore, and good old red-blooded American patriotism is a sure fire combination designed to appeal to almost everyone with an ounce of imagination.

Not only is such a program of value to school children now, but it is an important and dramatic stepping stone toward their adulthood-teaching them to read the printed page, interpreting it, and making a firm decision therefrom. It was so very timely to have a presidential election debate and classroom project as well. The Hakata Ryu representations of one live and one dead president illustrated to everyone the relentless flow of time and change in the pattern of history.

Equally as delightful and artistic were the displays of Prince Akihito and Princess Michiko, Emperor Meiji, and little Prince Hiro.

Good luck to you, Mrs. Chandler, your museum in Dallas, now dormant, will not stay that way long when you return to the United States and start to put this lovely educational material into good use for the public.

Thanks again for the chance to be a part of this program.



Mrs. Josephine Ripley, USCE
Chief Librarian
Itazuke Air Force Base, APO 929
c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, C
Appreciation letter
She received many appreciation letters from guests after she had cultural programs. They enjoyed Japanese culture and history lessons through the beautiful Hakata Ryu floral arrangement. To provide a deep understanding and good international relationships was the purpose of Hakata Ryu.
Date Created
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