Immersive Reality Lab

The Immersive Reality Lab (IRL), located on the second floor of the Mary and Jeff Bell Library provides TAMU-CC students, faculty and staff the opportunity to explore, experience or develop eXtended Reality (XR).  XR is the umbrella term for spectrum of immersive technologies including Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR) and Virtual Reality (VR).

These immersive technologies extend the reality we know by creating fully virtual worlds (VR), or by blending "real" and virtual worlds (AR & MR) to provide immersive experiences that would otherwise be extremely difficult or impossible to achieve.  The Immersive Reality Lab is open to all TAMU-CC students, faculty and staff and we invite you to come express your creativity with virtual 3D painting, test your nerves and Walk the Plank, or simply immerse yourself in the possibilities that awaits in the CAVE!