Final Countdown for Scholarship Applications; Here’s Some Tips and Tricks

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – If you have time to pick up a $20 bill on the ground, why would you miss out on so much more? The deadline for undergraduate scholarships is fast approaching, but you do still have time. Below we’ve gathered some helpful tips and tricks to help you along your way!

  1. Read Requirements Closely

Does the scholarship call for a certain number of hours to be taken each semester? What kind of information do you need to provide in your essay? Remember that those reviewing scholarship applications are reading hundreds and are looking for any reason to quickly eliminate applicants. Missing some of the scholarship requirements is the easiest way to get rejected. Don’t give them a reason.

  1. Start Early

The deadline for this year is Friday, March 1. Begin drafting your application early so you’re not stressing the day of the deadline. If you can’t complete your forms in time, hold onto them and submit early next round.

  1. Research

We all Google every day. Take a few moments to search the internet for examples of previous successful applications. See what worked for them and apply that to your own writing.

  1. Stand Out

Be lighthearted and direct in your application in order to make yours stand out from all the boring ones! Also be succinct and don’t make the reader guess about what you have to say. A shorter but tightly written essay will persuade far more than a long rambling one.

  1. Revise and Review

Misspelling and grammatical errors do not impress. Make sure you revise your work multiple times to make it as flawless as possible. Also, take advantage of friends and classmates who may be able to peer review your work.

  1. Be Prepared

If your scholarship requires letters of recommendation, be sure to ask for them from multiple professors, in case some are not available. Also, make their lives a little easier by offering to write the recommendation yourself. Professors are busy people and are more likely to get you what you need if they only need to sign the paper. On another note, keep in mind that some scholarships require that you include a photo, so have a nice professional portrait of yourself on hand. 

  1. Be confident

You convey more in writing than you think. Your work should show you are confident in your abilities and future plans. Use active voice instead of passive to wow the judges.

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi has resources available to students who need help with any project. Islanders are welcome to bring their scholarship essays into the Center for Academic Student Achievement (CASA) to have them looked over by a CASA mentor.