April Rose Bourg ’24 named Outstanding Islander Graduate for the School of Arts, Media, & Communication

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — When asked to describe her favorite memory from her time at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, theatre major April Rose Bourg ‘24 didn’t hesitate to respond.

“It was looking out into the audience while performing on stage at the Costa Rican International Dance Festival as a member of the university’s dance company,” she said. “It made me realize that not only is dance my passion but that I can turn my passion into my career.”

In recognition of her commitment to academic and artistic success, Bourg has been chosen as the Summer 2024 Outstanding Islander Graduate for the School of Arts, Media, & Communication. She will earn a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre with a focus on acting and directing, plus a minor in dance, at the Summer 2024 Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, Aug. 10.

Bourg, who grew up in the town of Euless, located in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, had many options when it came to finding the right college to pursue her passion.

“I had been accepted into the five schools I applied to, but I felt like I was still waiting for a sign,” she recalled. “Once I brought up the possibility of attending TAMU-CC to my musical theatre teacher at my dance school and found out that she had been an Islander, I felt like that was the sign I’d been looking for.”

Once on the Island, Bourg quickly asserted herself as a force to be reckoned with, acting in various mainstage productions, all while maintaining a perfect 4.0 GPA in her major courses.

“I loved dancing, but I never felt that I had what it took to be a professional dancer, so I developed my skills as an actor to enhance my prospects,” Bourg said. “But once I joined the TAMU-CC Dance Company, I became inspired. Now I am working at a dance studio, choreographing musicals, and saving up to relocate to Austin to begin my career as a dancer.”

Even when not on stage, Bourg’s life on the Island has revolved around the theatre, holding several high-level positions in theatre-based clubs including Islander Improv, Musical Theatre Club, and The Stage. She also co-founded the dance club, Tapping into TAMU-CC. Bourg also learned technical skills behind the curtain including sewing costumes, building sets, choreography, plus ushering shows.

Bourg said she was grateful to receive various scholarships including the Fine Arts-Theatre Scholarship, a scholarship from the Bailando Dance Festival organization, and the Hubert A. McNally Scholarship Endowment.

“These scholarships not only helped me pay for classes, but they helped me build confidence,” she said. “Whenever I got the news of receiving these scholarships, they would brighten my day and help me to work even harder on my studies; I didn’t want the scholarships to go to waste.”

As she nears graduation, Bourg reflects on the lasting impact of her time at the Island University.

“I am a whole different person now than when I walked into my first college class,” she said. “I am more responsible, mature, and professional. I am less arrogant, naïve, and insecure. I now have the confidence and education needed for a successful career.”