Educator Certification
By pursuing your certification through Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, you are joining the largest teacher preparation network in the state. The 11 universities of A&M System produce more fully-certified teachers than any other university system in Texas and have the highest number of teachers remaining in the profession for the first five years of their career. We Teach Texas!
Choose a path to becoming a certified Texas teacher:
Undergraduate degree & certification preparation > Apply if: > How it works: |
Alternative Certification of Educators (ACE) > Apply if: > How it works: Most courses also count toward a master's degree, should you decide to complete one. |
Master's and Certification (MAC) > Apply if: > How it works: |
Additional Information:
A person who is enrolled or planning to enroll in a State Board for Educator Certification-approved educator preparation program or planning to take a certification examination may request a preliminary criminal history evaluation letter regarding the person's potential ineligibility for certification due to a conviction or deferred adjudication for a felony or misdemeanor offense. Visit TEA for specifics: Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation-FAQs | Texas Education Agency.
- Educator Certification Pass Rates:
- LBB Graduation Rates Reports (xlsx)
- Supply and Demand for Educators (docx)