Unmanned Aircraft Systems Applications Certificate

On Campus

The School of Engineering & Computing Sciences (ENCS) prepares students to pursue productive careers and advanced degrees in engineering, computer science, or geographic information science and to carry out scholarly investigations that enrich the educational experience of the students and advances their state of knowledge in the field.

All students admitted into the UAS certificate program must meet the undergraduate admission requirements for TAMU-CC and must satisfy all prerequisites for courses in the certificate program.

Students working toward an undergraduate degree in engineering, computer science, or geospatial information science may obtain this certificate while completing their degrees, but this may require completing more credit hours than those required for the undergraduate degree.

Transfer credit for some required courses may be considered, as may credit for previous experience. Students are expected to meet all other academic standards. Students must apply for the certificate and complete a Certificate Plan approved by the Director of the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences or a designee.