External Reviews for Faculty Promotion and Tenure

TO: Islander Faculty
SUBJECT: External Reviews for Faculty Promotion and Tenure

Dear Islander Faculty, 

For the past four years, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi has been designated as an R2 (Doctoral University – High Research Activity) by the Carnegie Commission of Higher Education. This designation is the second-highest research classification an institution can receive and places TAMU-CC among the top six percent of research colleges and universities in the nation. Increasing our research and scholarly activity has been a strategic priority for nearly two decades.

In support of our scholarly productivity goals, the university procedure 33.99.04.C0.02, Promotion of Full-Time Faculty Members included a requirement for external reviews for all tenure-track/tenured faculty when revised and adopted in January 2022. Although the College of Science & Engineering implemented external reviews for its promotion and tenure process in 2008, the other colleges needed to develop their external review guidelines. With a May 2022 deadline for the development of the guidelines, faculty began discussing implementation with their deans and these conversations are ongoing. 

To give faculty more time to design and adopt their guidelines, external reviews will not be included in the Fall 2022 promotion and tenure process (with the exception of faculty in the College of Science & Engineering). During the 2022-23 academic year, deans will engage their faculty in finalizing the external review guidelines so that going forward, the dossiers of all faculty undergoing promotion and tenure reviews will include external review letters.


Clarenda M. Phillips, PhD
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs