Factor sum/difference of two cubes or higher powers.
Absolute Values
Absolute value inequalities
Linear Systems of Equations: 2 equations, 2 unknowns
Other Topics
Graphs of linear equations
Intercepts of graphs
Evaluating Expressions at numerical values
Evaluating Functions at numerical values and simple expressions.
Taking the Exam
The exam is scheduled for 40 minutes and has 32 problems.
The exam is not pass/fail, simply a tool to determine an appropriate math course for which a student is prepared to succeed in.
Tools for reviewing the topics above include any High School algebra text, Schaum's Outline of Intermediate Algebra, or the website www.sosmath.com
Solving polynomial, rational equations.
Simplifying expressions with rational exponents
Solving logarithmic equations
Factoring sums and differences of powers.
Absolute value equations and inequalities.
Coordinate geometry
Intersections of lines.
Coordinates of points from graphs of functions.
Distance between points
Slopes of lines
Domain and range
Symmetry of graphs
Graphs of specific types of functions (polynomial, exponential, etc)
Composition of functions
Verbal Problems
Linear versus exponential growth
Surface Area of rectangular boxes.
Perimeter versus area.
Values of sin(x), cos(x) at standard angles in the unit circle.
Domains of the 6 trigonometric functions.
Graphs of trigonometric functions.
Simplifications of trigonometric expressions by ratios or the pythagorean identities.
Taking the Exam
A calculator is not allowed.
The exam is scheduled for 30 minutes and has 25 problems.
The exam is not pass/fail, simply a tool to determine an appropriate math course for which the student is prepared to succeed in.
Tools for reviewing the topics above include any high school precalculus text, Schaum’s Outline of Precalculus, or the websites www.sosmath.com or Khan Academy.