Local Placement Exam Topics
- Order of Operations
- Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing signed numbers
- Add and multiply fractions, simplify complex fractions
- Rationalize denominators (consisting of a single radical).
- Radicals and rational exponents
Exponentials and Logarithms
- Integer exponents
- Properties of exponents (zero, negative powers)
- Radicals and rational exponents
- Converting between exponential and logarithmic equations.
- (Note: general properties of logarithms are not included)
Elementary Algebra Topics
- Solve linear equations with decimal coefficients
- Combine linear terms using properties of numbers
- Simplify rational expressions involving variables
- Linear Inequalities
- Quadratic Equations (with real and complex number solutions)
- Quadratic Inequalities (demonstrating compound inequalities)
Other Algebra Topics
- Factor difference of two squares
- Factor sum/difference of two cubes or higher powers.
- Absolute Values
- Absolute value inequalities
- Linear Systems of Equations: 2 equations, 2 unknowns
Other Topics
- Graphs of linear equations
- Intercepts of graphs
- Evaluating Expressions at numerical values
- Evaluating Functions at numerical values and simple expressions.
Taking the Exam
- The exam is scheduled for 40 minutes and has 32 problems.
- The exam is not pass/fail, simply a tool to determine an appropriate math course for which a student is prepared to succeed in.
- Tools for reviewing the topics above include any High School algebra text, Schaum's Outline of Intermediate Algebra, or the website www.sosmath.com
- Solving polynomial, rational equations.
- Simplifying expressions with rational exponents
- Solving logarithmic equations
- Factoring sums and differences of powers.
- Absolute value equations and inequalities.
Coordinate geometry
- Intersections of lines.
- Coordinates of points from graphs of functions.
- Distance between points
- Slopes of lines
- Domain and range
- Symmetry of graphs
- Graphs of specific types of functions (polynomial, exponential, etc)
- Composition of functions
Verbal Problems
- Linear versus exponential growth
- Surface Area of rectangular boxes.
- Perimeter versus area.
- Values of sin(x), cos(x) at standard angles in the unit circle.
- Domains of the 6 trigonometric functions.
- Graphs of trigonometric functions.
- Simplifications of trigonometric expressions by ratios or the pythagorean identities.
Taking the Exam
- A calculator is not allowed.
- The exam is scheduled for 30 minutes and has 25 problems.
- The exam is not pass/fail, simply a tool to determine an appropriate math course for which the student is prepared to succeed in.
- Tools for reviewing the topics above include any high school precalculus text, Schaum’s Outline of Precalculus, or the websites www.sosmath.com or Khan Academy.