Unleash your full potential in the STEM fields!


Students who are part of the iMAPS3 Program receive significant financial, social, and academic support tailored to their needs.

Joining iMAPS3 will give you opportunities to engage in an enhanced learning community program that fosters collaboration and shared learning.  You'll work jointly with industry partners, participate in research, and gain practical skills for your STEM career!





The iMAPS3 program at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (TAMU-CC) stands as a beacon of inclusive excellence in STEM education, addressing critical challenges facing underrepresented students in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, atmospheric science, and environmental science. With a focus on both academic rigor and social support, iMAPS3 provides a comprehensive framework aimed at not only recruiting and retaining academically talented individuals but also nurturing their growth and success throughout their STEM journey. By offering financial assistance, tailored academic support programs, and opportunities for real-world research and industry collaboration, iMAPS3 strives to break down barriers to success for financially disadvantaged students, particularly first-generation college attendees. Moreover, the program's emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration and community-building fosters a sense of belonging and empowerment among its scholars, laying the foundation for a diverse and resilient STEM workforce. With its ambitious goals and evidence-based approach, iMAPS3 is poised to make a meaningful impact in reversing the declining trend of STEM majors and cultivating the next generation of STEM leaders who will drive innovation and progress in the 21st century.



  • Financial support
  • Hybrid summer bridge program
  • Peer mentoring
  • Real-world research and industry collaboration
  • Professional skills workshops
  • STEM seminars


Students participating in the iMAPS3 program must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or admitted refugee
  • Be enrolled part- or full-time in one of the iMAPS3 disciplines during the scholarship semester:  Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Demonstrate academic potential or ability
  • Automatically eligible:  GPA of 3.0, or high school grade average of 80 case-by-case basis: GPA of 2.8 or lower, or high school grade average under 75 for incoming first-year students
  • A recommendation letter from teachers regarding a student's academic abilities not otherwise supported by high school ranking, test scores, or GPA will also be considered
  • Demonstrate a financial need.  Students must complete a the Online Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and have unmet need.
  • Priority will be given to students with low expected family contribution/student aid index (EFC/SAI) who qualify for Pell Grant support
  • Submit all documents described in the application package by the deadline and undergo an interview with the selection committee.

iMAPS³ Management:

Dr. Barbara Szczerbinska (PI), Physics Prof. in the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences (PENS) and Associate Dean in the College of Science, bears overall responsibility overseeing the recruitment process, NSF Program manager interaction, fostering collaborations with industry partners, Career Services, LSAMP and McNair programs, program articulation and scaling; monitoring student progress as well as monitoring the success and impact of different support programs. Dr. Szczerbinska also leads the disciplinary mentoring activities with Physics scholars. Her involvement in the project aligns with her administrative efforts to increase the retention and graduation rates in the college.

Email: barbara.szczerbinska@tamucc.edu

Ms. Sasha Sentz Program Manager ensures that benchmarks for improving student retention and graduation rates are met. Ms. Sentz carries the administrative responsibilities and works directly with the students, faculty, mentors, and external evaluator, oversees collaboration with industry and research partners, and maintains the iMAPS³ website. 

Email: sasha.sentz@tamucc.edu


Dr. James Dogbey (co-PI), Associate Prof. of Mathematics Education in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, coordinates disciplinary mentoring activities with Mathematics scholars, assists with data collection and coordinates Summer Bridge efforts.

Email: james.dogbey@tamucc.edu

Dr. Celil Ekici (co-PI), Associate Prof. of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, leads the integration efforts across STEM disciplines, and assists with data collection and contributes project dissemination efforts.

Email: celil.ekici@tamucc.edu

Dr. Fereshteh Billiot (co-PI), Prof. of Chemistry in the PENS Department, coordinates disciplinary mentoring activities with Chemistry scholars and manages undergraduate research, placing students, and monitoring interactions with their research mentors.

Email: fereshteh.billiot@tamucc.edu

Dr. Patrick Fitzpatrick (co-PI), Program Coordinator and Professional Assistant Prof. of Atmospheric Science, coordinates mentoring and research activities with Atmospheric and Environmental Science scholars.

Email: patrick.fitzpatrick@tamucc.edu

Ms. Jeannie Gage (Financial Aid Office), Director - Office of Student Financial Assistance, responsible for verifying the eligibility of the students for financial aid.

Email: jeannie.gage@tamucc.edu

Dr. Michael Preuss (External Evaluator) responsible for the overall evaluation efforts of the program. Dr. Preuss' effort will be supported by the educational research expertise of Dr. Dogbey and Dr. Ekici from the leadership team who specializes in the impact and techniques involved in developing social relationships. Dr. Dogbey and Dr. Ekici will assist with evaluations of social and educational support and self-efficacy, and their respective impact on the success of students in the iMAPS3 project.

Email: exquiri.michael@gmail.com

The Inclusive Mathematical and Physical Sciences Student Success Program NSF Award Number:2322454

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