Current LSAMP Undergraduate Scholars
A current list of our Undergraduate LSAMP Scholars, corresponding majors, research topics, and faculty mentors:

Nancy Ballard
Nutrient Bioassays Conducted in the Tidal Segment of the Nueces River
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michael Wetz

Raydiance Brooks
Atmospheric Science
Low atmospheric methane observations using an aircraft-greenhouse gas analyzer system
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Richard Coffin

Autumn Hampton
Marine Biology
What are the interspecific effects of elevated CO2 on the biology and physiology of two Hawaiian coral species
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Keisha Bahr

Harvey Houltby
Biology & Atmospheric Science
Using AI method to understand the long-term variation of severe thunderstorms
Faculty Mentor: Dr. John Majoris

Jose Jaquez
Mechanical Engineering
Wind-resistant design of bridges by forced-vibration wind tunnel testing
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Miguel Cid Montoya
Madeleine Licker
Argentine Black and White Tegu Behavioral and Husbandry Training
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Dara Orbach
Danielle Lisiecki
Marine Biology
How does ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) affect the biology and physiology of two Hawaiian coral species and crustose coralline algae (CCA)
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Keisha Bahr

Jacqueline Nicolay
Biology & Chemistry
Comparative Genomic Analysis of Serratia Marcescens Using 38 Draft Genomes
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jeffrey Turner
Videl Obenhin
Community structures of elasmobranch populations within and between coastal bays
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Daniel Coffey

Colin Otubanjo
Biomedical Science
Phylogenetic and Physiological Characterization of Amino Acid Nitrogen Isotopes in Phytoplankton
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Lin Zhang

Oliver Puckett
Marine Biology
Assessment of Req1-Positive T-Lymphocytes During Embryonic and Larval Development in Japanese Medaka
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Frauke Seemann

Leala Punjabi
Texas Coastal Bend treatment plant impacts on bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Dara Orbach

Layla Rayburn
Biology (Marine Concentration)
Organic matter content of subtidal and intertidal oyster reefs
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Pollack

Abigail Martinez
Elemental and Isotopic Analysis of Nitrogen from Sediment Samples
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Hussain Abdulla

Kylli Widas
Elemental and Isotopic Analysis of Organic Carbon in Sediment samples
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Hussain Abdulla

Katelynn Ferrell
Biomedical Science
TBD- Interest in oncology and diabetes
Faculty Mentor: TBD

Nevena Cail
Color correction matrix: for use with solar imaging
Faculty Mentor: TBD

Luke Churchman
Conduct metabolome assessment of Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) using Orbitrap Fusion Mass Spectrometer and apply it in an ecological perspective for population risk assessment of wild marine fish stocks along the Texas coast
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Hussain Abdulla

Camran Cupp
TBD- Interest in Environmental Microbiology
Faculty Mentor: TBD

Jasmine Trevino
Atmospheric Science
TBD- Interest in Atmospheric Science/Meteorology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Chuntao Liu

Soleil DeLorge
Biology (Marine)
What is the benthic characterization of coral reef habitat around an island in Hawaii, Coconut Island, and its effect on ambient water quality
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Keisha Bahr

Nasanna Henley
Biomedical Science
Developing a Raman spectroscopy-based method for testing the chemical purity and enteric coating of aspirin drugs
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Ioana Pavel

Abigail Pirkle
The effect of adult anemone fish personality on the likelihood of cannibalizing juvenile anemone fish
Faculty Mentor: Dr. John Majoris

Alejandra Mendez
Biomedical Science
TBD- Interest in canine cancer and why euthanasia has been the solution
Faculty Mentor: TBD

Chloe Kayser
Examination of Soil Nitrogen and Sulfur Levels to Determine Skeletal Burial Duration for Analysis of Forensic and Historical Archeological Finds
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Sharon Derrick

Kaylee Partin
Environmental Science
TBD- Interest in oceans and their ecosystem
Faculty Mentor: TBD