Health Center Services

Provider Services & Online Portal:

Please Note:  Patients are required to wear masks while visiting University Health Center.

Physician and Family Nurse Practitioners

The University Health Center focuses on providing acute care to patients in need.  Services are available to currently enrolled TAMU-CC students. Students with chronic healthcare needs or multiple medical issues are best managed by their primary care physicians.  Health Center staff facilitate referrals to specialists as needed and can help connect students with a local primary care provider (PCP).  

Access your student healthcare and records anytime at:

STD Testing

Testing, treatment and prevention information is available. A specially trained staff offers educational programs and counseling for students seeking information on sexual health. All services and patient interactions at the University Health Center are confidential.

Chlamydia testing, treatment and prevention information.

HIV testing and prevention information.

Gonorrhea testing, treatment and prevention information.

Anonymous HIV testing - call 361.825.2601 for information on how to get anonymous HIV testing.

Syphilis testing, treatment and prevention information.

Herpes treatment and prevention information.

HPV/Genital Warts diagnosis, treatment and prevention information.

Hepatitis B testing and prevention information.

Crisis Services

If you or someone you know is in need of Crisis Intervention or Resources please click here to visit the University Counseling Center. If you are experiencing a life-threatening or medical emergency, call 911 or University Police at 361.825.4444 or go to your nearest emergency room. 

Ask a Nurse Phone Line

For your privacy and convenience the Health Center offers a Nurse Line 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can call and speak to a nurse about your health-related concerns or questions from the privacy of your home. Call (361) 825-2601 to speak to a nurse.  If there is no answer, please leave a message and a nurse will return your call.  If calling after hours, call 361.825.2601 and press option #2.  This will direct you to CareNet, our after-hours nurseline. 

Online Medical Visits

The University Health Center offers Online/Virtual Medical Visits.

1. Call us to schedule an appointment. 

2. Patients may access their appointment by clicking
3. Log in with your islander ID and password.

4. Click on “Check In For An Appointment”

5. Fill out Health Center forms (disregard Counseling Center forms) 

6. Click on “Click Here To Join Meeting”

You will then wait in the virtual waiting room for the health staff to join you.