TAMUS Doctoral Tuition Program

The TAMUS Doctoral Tuition Program will cover 100% of tuition costs for a doctoral program at any A&M System university. The program is limited to regular employees who are admitted to a doctoral program, are in good standing, and making progress toward degree completion. There is no minimum number of hours per semester required. 


The TAMUS Doctoral Tuition Program will not be accepting new participants after May 31, 2025. All participants accepted into the program as of May 31, 2025 will continue to receive funding until May 31, 2028. 


TAMUS Doctoral Tuition Program Application


  • Must have been employed in a full-time, budgeted faculty position at an A&M System university or agency no less than two long semesters prior to starting the program.
  • Must be employed in a full-time, budgeted faculty position at an A&M System university or agency each semester while in the program.
    • Summer eligibility for university faculty is contingent on meeting this standard the previous semester and presumed full-time employment the following semester. 
  • Must have at least a satisfactory performance review on file.
  • Must be admitted to a doctoral program at an A&M System university, have at least a satisfactory performance review on file, be in good academic standing, and making progress toward degree completion (no minimum number of hours per semester required). The employee may be enrolled in a doctoral program at any university in the A&M System, not limited to their own employer. The doctoral program must be consistent with the faculty appointment such that completion of the degree would be recognized by SACSCOC as appropriate credentials on the reaffirmation faculty roster.
  • Must have been employed in a full-time, budgeted professional staff position at an A&M System university, agency, or System office no less than 12 months prior to starting the program.
  • Must be employed in a full-time, budgeted professional staff position at an A&M System university, agency, or System office each semester while in the program. (Note: summer eligibility is contingent on employment during the summer months.)
  • Must have at least a satisfactory performance review on file.
  • Must be admitted to a doctoral program at an A&M System university, have at least a satisfactory performance review on file, be in good academic standing, and making progress toward degree completion (no minimum number of hours per semester required). The employee may be enrolled in a doctoral program at any university in the A&M System, not limited to TAMU-CC. Doctoral program must be consistent with the mission of the office in which the administrator or staff member is employed.