Laws and Regulations

The Office of Information Security (OIS) coordinates compliance with several digital accessibility, information security, and privacy laws and regulations. Major regulations are referenced here.

Copyright (Copyright and Fair Use, DMCA)

Digital Accessibility (ADA, Section 504, Section 508, TAC 206, and TAC 213)

As a public institution of higher education, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (TAMU-CC) is required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). As a federally funded institution, TAMU-CC is required to comply with US Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Learn more about these federal laws on digital accessibility.

As a state-funded institution of higher education, TAMU-CC is required to comply with Texas Administrative Code, Title 1, Chapter 206 (TAC 206) and Chapter 213 (TAC 213). TAC 213 assigns the ultimate responsibility for the accessibility of information and communications technology (ICT) to the President of the University.

Responsibility to administer the digital accessibility requirements of digital accessibility laws and regulations institution-wide is granted to the university's Digital Accessibility Officer (DAO).

  • Digital Accessibility Program Plan: TAC 213.41 requires an Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility Coordinator (EIRAC) be designated at each state institution of higher education. The TAMU-CC DAO is the current designated EIRAC. The DAO maintains the Digital Accessibility Program Plan.
  • Feedback and accommodations: TAMU-CC has processes for providing digital accessibility accommodations in the Service Portal. Members of the TAMU-CC community can request specific services by reviewing the Accessibility link in the footer of every TAMU-CC webpage. They can also file complaints through the Complaint Form.
  • ICT acquisition: TAC 206.70 and TAC 213, sections 30 through 38, require all information and communications technology "developed, procured, or changed by an institution of higher education" to comply with technical accessibility standards. This includes a process to review the compliance of ICT used by the TAMU-CC community which TAMU-CC employees can initiate in the Service Portal. A list of all ICT used by the TAMU-CC community will be maintained in this platform, which will include the accessibility status and renewal date for compliance review.
  • Technical accessibility standards: Updates to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act include meeting the minimum technical accessibility standards of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.1, for Level A and Level AA. While these cover web content and mobile applications, ADA requires institutions of higher education to provide equitable access to all ICT, including a means to provide feedback and reasonable accommodations. This includes effective communications which covers all digital content (e.g., websites, electronic documents, email, social media). Therefore, TAMU-CC is adopting WCAG 2.1 AA as the minimum technical standards on all covered ICT acquisitions and appropriate WCAG success criteria on uncovered ICT acquisitions, excluding hardware. Required hardware standards are referenced in Section 508, Chapter 4, per TAC 213.
  • Training: TAC 213.39 requires the President "ensure appropriate staff receives training necessary to meet accessibility-related rules". Multiple areas help ensure the information resources under their domain are compliance with digital accessibility laws and regulations. The Digital Accessibility Officer provides digital accessibility training opportunities and resources.

Related university policies [PDF]:

Information Security (TAC 202)

As a state-funded institution of higher education, TAMU-CC is required to comply with Texas Administrative Code, Title 1, Chapter 202 (TAC 202). TAC 202 assigns the ultimate responsibility for the security of information resources to the President of the University.

Responsibility to administer the information security requirements of TAC 202 institution-wide is granted to the university's Chief Information Security and Privacy Officer (CISPO). The head or director of a unit is responsible for ensuring that compliance with TAC 202 is maintained for any information resources owned and operated by the unit.

Related university policies [PDF]:

Privacy (FERPA, GLBA, and HIPAA)

Payment Card Industry (PCI)

Payment Card Industry (PCI) security standards are required for TAMU-CC to accept credit cards for payment. University Procedure 21.01.02.C0.01, Credit Card Collections [PDF] includes those processes. Any questions concerning PCI compliance can be directed to Office of Information Security (OIS).

Prohibited Technologies in Texas

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi provides information on prohibited technology and sensitive locations per the System prohibited technology guidelines.