Degree Plans
When you choose the Writing Studies track in English, you will have the unique opportunity to design a significant part of your degree plan to suit you, your interests, your talents, your futures.
All new English/Writing Studies majors will take a core of five courses in Writing Studies and three courses in Literary Studies. After that, you and your advisor or

mentor choose six further courses for the major (and you can choose up to 4 more courses for a minor). Can't decide if you want to work on your fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction? Or should you focus on writing for digital media, or technical writing, or science writing, or prepare for a career in Law or Entrepreneurship or Public Relations or Non-Profits? Do you think you might want to teach writing?
Consider the degree plans you can design to match your strengths, your interests and to prepare you for future workplaces and careers that are still being developed. Consider how you can earn a degree that will provide you with a "most-wanted" skill and enable you to take courses that interest and challenge you. Develop your creative side; add to your technical / scientific strengths; learn to use writing to make things happen, to make others smile or join a cause or support an organization.
See Possible Degree Paths