Donating to Special Collections


We need your help!

Special Collections and Archives takes pride in its active policy of locating and collecting additional research materials. We need your assistance in finding rare books, photographs, maps, letters, records of businesses and organizations, scrapbooks, and other historical documents relating to Corpus Christi and South Texas. If you or someone you know possesses materials which might be donated, please contact us.

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi is extremely fortunate to benefit from The Daniel E. and Carol Isensee Kilgore Endowment for Texana. We invite you to assist the university in its mission to serve the educational needs of the Corpus Christi and greater South Texas region by donating to the Kilgore Endowment.

We also hold events called History Harvests to collect the artifacts of community history. We welcome you to attend the next History Harvest and donate your photographs, documents, and other records to the archive. Find out more about History Harvests including when the next one is scheduled.

Transferring University Records

Did you know that if you work for TAMU-CC, the materials you create in the course of doing your job, such as print and email correspondence, are considered state records? Find out more about records retention at TAMU-CC.