Instruction & Workshops

Request an Instruction Session

If you would like to schedule library instruction for your class(es), please fill out our Instruction Request Form.

Librarians assigned to your college will contact you to set up your session(s.) Meet your librarian instruction teams!

Business, Liberal Arts, and SAMC Library Instruction Team - from left to right: Jennifer Anderson, Lisa Louis, and Tara Carlisle.Colleges of Business, Liberal Arts, and SAMC:(from left to right) Jennifer Anderson, Lisa Louis, and Tara Carlisle.


Nursing & Education Library Instruction Team
College of Education & Human Development and College of Nursing & Health Sciences:(from left to right) Aida Almanza-Ferro and Lorin Flores.


STEM Library Instruction TeamCollege of Engineering and College of Science:(from left to right) Mohammed AlHamad and Eric Cosio.
Special Collections &Archives Library Instruction Team - top to bottom: Eric Christensen, Amanda Kowalski, and Lori Podolsky.Special Collections & Archives: (from front to back) Lori Podolsky, Amanda Kowalski, and Eric Christensen.


What we do

The librarians on your instruction teams are happy to work with you to customize a class session to your students’ needs. The following list are examples of topics that are typically covered in instruction sessions:

If you would like to request a session on citation styles and formats, please contact the Writing Center. The Writing Center also offers instructional content on plagiarism, writing strategies, and other topics.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact Lorin Flores, Instructional Services Librarian, at 361-825-2609 or at for more information.


Instruction Guidelines

To ensure a successful class, please observe the following guidelines:

  • Please give your librarian at least two weeks’ notice when requesting librarian-led instruction sessions to allow for adequate preparation time.

  • Decide where you would like the instruction session to take place.
Librarians are available to meet with your students in your own classroom if it is equipped with a computer, presenter podium, projector, and screen.
Library classrooms are also available in Bell Library for library instruction sessions. Computer Lab 1 in Room 109 seats 30 students. This classroom has traditional lab-style seating. 

The Active Learning Classroom is available for both librarian-led and faculty-led instruction session reservations and will seat up to 42 students in a space optimized for active learning and group-centered work.

The Active Learning Classroom contains six tables with the capability for groups of students to connect loaner laptops or their own devices to a monitor for group work.
The Active Learning Classroom is currently a Bring Your Own Device space. Students without devices can borrow laptops at lending kiosks located on the library's first and second floors.
  • Consider your students' technology device access. If opting for the Active Learning Classroom, prompt students to bring their own devices or encourage them to check out a lending laptop from the library's laptop kiosks before class. If you prefer for all your students to have access to a desktop computer, request a reservation for Computer Lab 1.

  • Attend the session with your students. Your participation and support are critical to the success of library instruction sessions.


Workshops at Bell Library

Propose a workshop

If you would like to conduct a workshop at Bell Library or if you would like to suggest a topic or speaker, please contact Lorin Flores, Instructional Services Librarian, at 361-825-2609 or at



Bell Library strives to create an inclusive, accessible learning space. We do this by encouraging faculty members, students, and staff to notify the librarian teaching their class or organizing workshops of any accommodations prior to a class or workshop.

Faculty and staff are encouraged to work with their librarian directly and in conjunction with Disability Services to find accessible solutions.

If you are unsure who to contact to request accommodations, contact Lorin Flores, Instructional Services Librarian, at 361-825-2609 or at