Scholarly Communication
What is scholarly communication?
“The system through which research and other scholarly writings are created, evaluated for quality, disseminated to the scholarly community, and preserved for future use. The system includes both formal means of communication, such as publication in peer-reviewed journals, and informal channels, such as electronic listservs.” (ACRL)
Scholarly communication at TAMU-CC
The Library provides services for students, faculty, and researchers to support the production and sharing of individual research, highlight the collective output of the university, and increase the impact of research and scholarship at TAMU-CC.
Scholarly communication tools and resources
We provide tools and services for, but not limited to, the following
- Institutional Repository services
- Copyright, rights management, and publishing agreements
- Open Access
- Data Management Planning
As a university library, we help scholars communicate with publishers in order to disseminate their work. We work with readers and scholars to ensure access to published scholarship they wish to read and study for their own scholarship.