Being in a research study is voluntary. As a research participant, you can leave at any time. If you change your mind, there will be no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.
How to cancel your permission:
Click the link below to complete the cancellation form:
The permission for the researchers to obtain your information ends when you notify Collaborative Community Research Center (CCRC) Repository of your intent to withdraw. Once you cancel, no new information will be collected about you.
If you take back your permission, you will need to leave the Collaborative Community Research Center (CCRC) Repository.
If you take back your permission, the Collaborative Community Research Center (CCRC) Repository may still keep and use any information about you that they already have.
But they can not obtain new information about you for the Collaborative Community Research Center (CCRC) Repository after you withdraw, unless it is required by a federal agency that is monitoring the research.
The research team may ask why you want to leave the study. It can be helpful to have this information but you do not have to provide a reason if it makes you uncomfortable.