Annual and De Novo Review

Reduce Research Regulatory Burden Initiative: IACUC Annual Review Requirement Eliminated 

The USDA and PHS amended the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) to remove the requirement for the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee to conduct a continuing review of research activities involving animals (AWA Research Facility Registration Updates, Reviews, and Reports, 86 FR 66919-66926, November 24, 2021). Regulations now require a complete resubmission and review of such activities at least every 3 years.  

On September 9, 2022, the IACUC approved a revised Standard Operating Procedure 700.01 to eliminate the continuing review requirement for animal use protocols, with the exception of Department of Defense funded projects, to align with the regulation changes.

Impact on new protocols submitted after September 9, 2022:  

Incoming submissions will get a 3-year expiration date under the revised policy. 

Triennial De Novo Review

The triennial review is a complete (aka, de novo) IACUC review of an updated protocol from the previously approved protocol. This review and update is federally required every three years to receive continued approval of activities on the updated protocol. Updates may include, but are not limited to, procedures that have been refined, procedures that are eliminated as that part of the project has been completed, number of animals to be used in the next three years, new alternative methods search, and disaster management plans.

To begin a Triennial De Novo Review, use the same process to create a new protocol:

  • Login to iRIS.

  • At the top of the investigator dashboard, click Create a New Protocol.

 Create a New Protocol

  • Or use the copy feature in iRIS to create a copy of your currently approved submission