Relying on Another IRB
FAQ: IRB Reliance
As of March 2017, The National Institutes of Health (NIH) will require the use of a single Institutional Review Board (IRB) for non-exempt human subjects research protocols funded by the NIH that are carried out at more than one site in the United States. The policy is available for review at:
IRB reliance is also commonly used when the study is being conducted by one or more institutions.
The first step is to complete a Request to Rely. This form will prompt you to provide information about the study, the funding source, and the IRB you are requesting TAMU-CC to rely upon.
Your information will be reviewed to determine if the TAMU-CC IRB is willing to cede review based upon the details provided. If it is determined TAMU-CC is willing to cede, you will be contacted about additional details and the type of agreement required. Legal counsel and the Institutional Official will be involved in the decision making process and in drafting the reliance agreement.
Once a reliance agreement has been executed for TAMU-CC to cede review to another IRB, the TAMU-CC PI is responsible for obtaining all regulatory protocol information (approved protocol, approved consent documents, etc.) from the ‘overall PI’. Any questions or required reporting will need to go through the PI at the reviewing IRB site.
You will no longer interact with the TAMU-CC IRB for protocol issues related to that research. You will be responsible for providing information needed at the time of continuing review or if any unanticipated problems occur.
The final Agreement will dictate any additional responsibilities the TAMU-CC PI will have.
The consent forms to be used at TAMU-CC will be reviewed and approved by the external IRB of record. However, they should include TAMU-CC-specific information (headers, HIPAA/privacy language, injury language, TAMU-CC researcher contact information, etc.).
Typically, what occurs is that the multi-centered protocol submitted to the external IRB of record includes template consent forms that get approved by the IRB of Record. Once approved, the templates are distributed to all relying sites for them to insert local information. The site-specific consent forms are then submitted as an amendment to the external IRB of record and approved for use. For details on this process, contact your IRB of Record.