The 2024 Symposium for Student Innovation, Research, and Creative Activities was held on April 26, 2024. Navigate this page for more information on the symposium and a full listing of the presentations.
Location: UC Tejas Lounge
Time: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
What to expect:
- All participants will check-in at the UC Tejas Lounge.
- Presenters will receive their participant packets, which will include their name badge, participant certificate, and a copy of the symposium schedule.
- Judges, Volunteers, and Committee Members will receive their name badges.
![2024 SSIRCA Map](assets/ssirca-map-posters-and-art.jpg)
- Consult your mentor.
- Be sure to review the Judging Rubric and Symposium Awards.
- Oral Presenter Tips
- Arrive before your session and ensure your presentation file is on the computer in your room.
- All presentations will start promptly at the time listed in the program.
- The session moderator will introduce you.
- Oral presentations are 15 minutes: 12 minutes for content, 3 minutes to answer questions, with a 1-minute buffer.
- Moderators will:
- Signal the presenter with 3 fingers when 3 minutes are remaining
- Stand at one minute remaining.
- Stand next to the presenter when their time is up.
- Poster/Artwork Presenter Tips
- Hang your poster/set up your artworks between 8 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on Friday, April 26th, in UC Anchor CD.
- Poster hanging supplies (binder clips) will be provided.
- Poster presentations have a 3-minute elevator pitch.
- Try to not clutter the poster area with your bags; there isn't much room.
- Stay near your poster/artworks during the poster/art gallery. Evaluators will be visiting you between 1 and 2:30 p.m. You can’t win if you aren't evaluated.
- For artists with artwork, consult your mentor.
- Performance Tips
- Arrive early to get set up.
- Consult your mentor.
- Moderators will:
- Signal the presenter with 3 fingers when 3 minutes are remaining.
- Stand at one minute remaining,
- Stand next to the presenter when their time is up.
Time | Activity | Location |
8 a.m. - 1 p.m. |
Check-In and Q&A Table Open |
Tejas Lounge |
8:30 - 9:30 a.m. |
Oral Presentations
Various |
9:45 - 10:45 a.m. |
Oral Presentations and Live Performances
Various |
11 a.m. - noon |
Oral Presentations and Live Performances
Various |
1 - 2:30 p.m. |
Poster Presentations & Art Gallery |
UC Anchor Ballroom 147 CD |
3 - 4 p.m. |
SSIRCA Keynote Address: |
UC Lonestar Ballroom 142 |
4 - 4:30 p.m. |
SSIRCA Mixer and Student Organization Awards |
UC Lonestar Ballroom 142 |
4:30 - 5:00 p.m. |
SSIRCA Awards Ceremony |
UC Lonestar Ballroom 142 |
Rethinking Impostor Syndrome™
Why Capable Students Doubt their Competence and What to Do About It
Featuring Dr. Valerie Young
- Do you chalk accomplishments up to luck, timing, or the supposed simplicity of the task?
- Do you agonize over even the smallest flaws in your work?
- Are you crushed by constructive criticism?
- Do you wonder if you’re really “smart enough” to be here?
- When you do well, do you secretly think, “fooled them again”?
Join the club! Millions of people around the world from new hires to CEOs, first year students to PhDs, artists and engineers secretly worry that they’re not as intelligent or capable as everyone “thinks” they are.
It’s called impostor syndrome. And fortunately, there is a solution.
In this upbeat interactive session, you will:
- Understand what impostor syndrome is – and what it is not
- Discover the situational, occupational, familial, organizational, and societal reasons why fully capable students feel like frauds
- Understand the core source of impostor syndrome and why it matters
- Identify your personal “Competence Type”
- Examine how impostor syndrome shows up in the form of a pattern
- Recognize the costs of impostor syndrome to individuals and organizations
Impostor syndrome isn’t just an “interesting self-help topic.” It’s a professional development.
Whether you personally identify with impostor feelings or not, you will leave with three practical, immediately usable tools strategies to help yourself and/or the people you are or will lead, manage, mentor, teach, or parent to unlearn impostor syndrome.
Dr. Valerie Young is a global thought leader on impostor syndrome and co-founder of Impostor Syndrome Institute. She has spoken at over 100 colleges and universities including Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, and five times at MIT. She’s also shared her highly relatable and practical advice at such diverse organizations as Pfizer, Microsoft, P&G, Intel, Google, Hello Fresh, NASA, the National Cancer Institute, and the NBA to name a few.
Valerie’s work has been cited around the world in publications such as Time, Newsweek, Psychology Today, Science, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Sydney Morning Herald, Globe & Mail, and on BBC radio.
She’s the author of the award-winning book The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women and Men: Why Capable People Suffer from the Impostor Syndrome and How to Thrive in Spite of It with Random House, published in seven languages.
Name |
Unit Represented |
Janet Donaldson (Chair) |
Research and Innovation |
Veysel Avsar |
College of Business |
Jose Baca |
College of Engineering and Computer Science |
Leticia Bazan |
College of Graduate Studies |
Chris Bird |
College of Science |
Josephine Deahl |
Student |
Michelle Evans |
Honors Program |
Bernadette Flores |
College of Liberal Arts |
Dana Forgione |
College of Business |
Jennifer Garza-Cuen |
School of Arts, Media, & Communication |
Justin Guajardo |
Research and Innovation |
David Gurney |
School of Arts, Media, & Communication |
Nasanna Henley |
Student |
Alexa Hight |
Mary and Jeff Bell Library |
Taoran Ji |
College of Engineering and Computer Science |
Christina Loftin |
Research and Innovation |
Megan Markowsky |
College of Nursing and Health Sciences |
Thomas Oldham |
School of Arts, Media, & Communication |
Mark Olson |
College of Science |
Collin Scarince |
College of Liberal Arts |
Barbara Szczerbinska |
College of Science / LSAMP |
Peggy Valdes |
McNair Scholars Program |
Collin Webster |
College of Education and Human Development |
Anissa Ybarra |
Research and Innovation |
SSIRCA judging is conducted electronically via Judgify. Judges will evaluate all presentations using the following rubrics, on a scale of 1 to 10 for each question (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest):
Undergraduate and Graduate Oral/Poster Presentations
- Knowledge/Proficiency of Subject/Discipline: Did the presenter demonstrate knowledge/proficiency in their project?
- Effective Use of Methods or Medium: Did presenter use appropriate methods or medium for the study?
- Effectiveness/Organization of Presentation: Is the project presented clearly, free of grammatical errors, and in a manner that connects with the audience?
- Graphics/Visual Aids: Were appropriate graphics used to help explain and reinforce the topic?
- Clarity of Responses to Questions: Did the presenter answer questions with explanations and elaboration?
Undergraduate and Graduate Artistic Displays
- Knowledge/Proficiency of Subject/Discipline: Did the presenter demonstrate knowledge/proficiency in their project?
- Effective Use of Methods or Medium: Did presenter use appropriate methods or medium for the study?
- Effectiveness/Organization of Presentation: Is the project presented clearly, free of grammatical errors, and in a manner that connects with the audience?
- Graphics/Visual Aids: Were appropriate graphics used to help explain and reinforce the topic?
Symposium awards are distributed based on scoring in each presentation category. The presentation categories are:
- Undergraduate Oral Presentations
- Graduate Oral Presentations
- Undergraduate Artistic Displays
- Graduate Artistic Displays
- Undergraduate Poster Presentations
- Graduate Poster Presentations
Additionally, student organizations will provide prizes to applicable presentations. Student organizations will award prizes during the SSIRCA Mixer.
Students that completely fill in their passport will be entered to win a $100 prize (TAMU-CC students only).
QR codes for the passport are hung in or outside of every room where presentations are occurring. Use your phone to access the passport. To fulfill your Passport requirements, you will need to attend 3 Posters, 3 Oral Presentations (or 2 Oral Presentations and 1 Performance) and 1 Art Exhibit. Take a picture of the presentation/performance/display to verify your presence and upload the pictures using this form! April 26, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. is the deadline for submissions.
Graduate Student - Best Oral Presentations:
- 1st Place: Erin Kennedy, Kimberly Reinhardt, Michelle Eisenman
Student Autonomy and Engagement in the Middle School Classroom - 2nd Place: Abhishek Phadke, Antonio Medrano
Modeling Disruptions in Simulation Environments for Accurate Resilience Assessment of UAV Swarms - 3rd Place: Isabel Nykamp, Jennifer Pollack, Kim Withers
Developing Methods for Elevation Restoration on Wind-Tidal Flats in South Texas
Undergraduate Student - Best Oral Presentation
- 1st Place: Darian Paul, David Portnoy
Molecular assay to genetically differentiate between scalloped hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini, and Carolina hammerhead, Sphyrna gilberti - 2nd Place: Anya Isabelle Ocampos, Dara Orbach
Detection of Human Pharmaceuticals in Blubber of Wild Dolphins - 3rd Place: Madeleine Licker, Dara Orbach
Argentine Black and White Tegu (Salvator merianae) Behavioral and Husbandry Training
Graduate Student - Best Poster Presentations
- 1st Place: Rita Muniz, Fereshteh (Feri) Billiot
Physical Properties of Mixed Cationic and Anionic Amino Acid Surfactants - 2nd Place: James T. Morales, Ronald Snarr
Same Results, Twice the work? The Cardio-Metabolic Differences Between Circuit Training and Treadmill-based Intervals - 3rd Place: Olivia Hughes, Loretta Battaglia
Drivers of Biofouling Community Composition and Vulnerability to Invasion
Undergraduate Student - Best Poster Presentations
- 1st Place: Suzy McCall, Dawn Gardiner
Gulf Coast Jaguarundi: A South Texas Sighting Validation Model - 2nd Place: Katelyn Reid, Ben Karimi
Efficient and Economic Heparin Recovery from Biological Mixture Using Different Types of Adsorbents - 3rd Place: Itza Valdez, Gregory Buck
Efficiency of Curanderismo-based Plant Tinctures Measured by Kirby-Bauer Susceptibility Assays on Vibrio vulnificus isolates from the Atlantic Coast
Graduate Student - Best of the Arts
- 1st Place: Mariana Ruvalcaba Cruz, Leandra Urrutia
An Actor's Trust - 2nd Place: Ashley Burnett, Leandra Urrutia; Ryan O'Malley
An Investigation into Allegorical Storytelling - 3rd Place: Zoe Ramos, Chuck Etheridge
Trach: Visual Poetry Performance and Explication
Undergraduate Student - Best of the Arts
- 1st Place: Robert Wilt, Alex Mason
The Ballad of Maria Martin Lighting Design - 2nd Place: Gavin Granados, Mary Thornton
Islander Brass Quintet + 1 - 3rd Place: Liv Moya, Ellen Denham
Ghosts of the Italian Opera
Oral Presentations and Performances
Sessions 1 - 4 are from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.Sessions 5 - 8 are from 9:45 - 10:45 a.m.
Sessions 9 - 11 are from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Innovations in Education and Belongings
GR_Oral-0001 | Metadiscourse markers in L2 college source-based informative essays
Anh Thuy Dang Pham
8:30 - 8:45 a.m.
Mayra Angelica Alvarado Ramirez
8:45 - 9:00 a.m.
UG_Oral-0002 | "It's everything!": The Role of Online Communities in
Nonbinary Gender Identity Formation
Bailey Otter
9:00 - 9:15 a.m.
Innovations in Environmental Science and Technology
GR_Oral-0027 | Vision Adaptive Scene Generation Using GANs
Mohammed Ali Sheriff Shaik
8:30 - 8:45 a.m.
Mason Martinez; Laura Button; Cody Lopez; Mazen Hassan
8:45 - 9:00 a.m.
GR_Oral-0016 | Movement Ecology of the Texas Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin littoralis)
Garrett Guzoski
9:00 - 9:15 a.m.
Innovations in Environmental Monitoring
GR_Oral-0025 | Reconfigurable Sensing Modules for Coastal Monitoring: Energy Efficient and Battery-less Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks
Ruben Dominguez
8:30 - 8:45 a.m.
Isabel Nykamp
8:45 - 9:00 a.m.
GR_Oral-0006 | Mapping near surface groundwater discharge locations in the Western Desert of Egypt using thermal remote sensing data.
Ahmed Omar
9:00 - 9:15 a.m.
Advancements in UAS Technology
GR_Oral-0015 | Coordination and Autonomy in UAV Swarms for Array Imaging
Josh Boyd
8:30 - 8:45 a.m.
Abhishek Phadke
8:45 - 9:00 a.m.
GR_Oral-0022 | Sensor Characterization of UAS-SfM/Lidar Technologies for 3D Modeling of Complex Landscapes
Jose Pilartes-Congo
9:00 - 9:15 a.m.
Innovations in STEM Education
GR_Oral-0021 | Inspiring the Next Generation of Scientists and Educators Through a University-Middle School Collaboration
Jacquline Rich
9:45 - 10:00 a.m.
Renée M. Johnson
10:00 - 10:15 a.m.
GR_Oral-0003 | When Checking in is Overdue
Megan Limerick
10:15 - 10:30 a.m.
GR_Oral-0023 | Student Autonomy and Engagement in the Middle School Classroom
Erin Kennedy
10:30 - 10:45 a.m.
Innovations in Healthcare
UG_Oral-0005 | Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles for Oral Health
Megan Escochea
9:45 - 10:00 a.m.
Ziba Abbasian; Hossein Naderi
10:00 - 10:15 a.m.
Nicholas Shropshire
10:15 - 10:30 a.m.
GR_Oral-0019 | CytoViva and Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) Imaging of Human Red Blood Cells Interacting with Antimicrobial Nanosilver Released by Wound Dressings
Kyra Kaiser
10:30 - 10:45 a.m.
Environmental and Human Impact on Coastal Ecosystems
UG_Oral-0001 | Detection of Human Pharmaceuticals in Blubber of Wild Dolphins
Anya Isabelle Ocampos
9:45 - 10:00 a.m.
Leala Punjabi
10:00 - 10:15 a.m.
UG_Oral-0004 | Molecular assay to genetically differentiate between scalloped hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini, and Carolina hammerhead, Sphyrna gilberti.
Darian Paul
10:15 - 10:30 a.m.
UG_Oral-0003 | Argentine Black and White Tegu (Salvator merianae) Behavioral and Husbandry Training
Madeleine Licker
10:30 - 10:45 a.m.
Innovations in Harmonies
UG_Art-0014 | Islander Brass Quintet + 1
Gavin Granados; Ben Camareno; Natalia Canelo; Jaden Byars
9:45 - 10:00 a.m.
Liv Moya; Juan Rios; Nathaniel Askey; Alan Kecevic; Jessica Valdez
10:05 - 10:20 a.m.
GR_Art-0004 | Trach (Pronounced "Trash"): Visual Poetry Performance and Explication
Zoe E. Ramos
10:25 - 10:40 a.m.
Advances in UAS and Structural Engineering
GR_Oral-0024 | Collision-Free Motion Planning for Autonomous UAVs in Dynamic Environments
Syed Izzat Ullah
11:00- 11:15 a.m.
Joshua Garcia
11:15 - 11:30 a.m.
GR_Oral-0007 | Predictive Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization of Sustainable Biochar Cementitious Composites: Transparency through Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Fazal Hussain
11:30 - 11:45 a.m.
GR_Oral-0005 | Emulation of bridge deck aeroelastic forces under forced vibrations via transformers
Ashutosh Mishra
11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Insights into Coastal Ecosystems
GR_Oral-0012 | A Time Series Study of the Microbial Community Assemblage at a Coastal Ocean Site within the Gulf of Mexico
Mahima Yogesh
11:00- 11:15 a.m.
Melanie Ponce
11:15 - 11:30 a.m.
GR_Oral-0002 | Lavaca Bay Marsh Ecosystem Assessment: Trends in Nekton Abundance and Distribution
Robinson McMillan
11:30 - 11:45 a.m.
GR_Oral-0011 | Capturing Caribbean Colors: Using Visible Coral Coloration to Monitor Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Reef Health
Casey Gallagher
11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Exploring Theatrical Artistry
UG_Art-0007 | Purple Nurples: A Devised piece of Theatre
Natalie Festari
11:00- 11:15 a.m.
Korey Sayre
11:20 - 11:35 a.m.
UG_Art-0016 | Woyzeck
Matthew Craig
11:40 - 11:55 a.m.
Poster Presentations and Art Gallery
Poster Presentations and Art Gallery are held in UC Anchor Ballroom CD from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.Joseph Garza
UG_Poster-0002 | Ocean acidification impacts on the photosynthetic capabilities of the symbiotic algae within two Hawaiian coral species, Montipora capitata and Pocillopora acuta
Autumn Hampton
UG_Poster-0003 | The Effect of Optic Flow and Gait Speed on Nonlinear Spatiotemporal Gait Variability in Healthy Young Adults
Katherine Colburn
UG_Poster-0004 | Decadal Variations in the Geographical Distribution of Severe Precipitation Features Selected by the Minimum Polarization Corrected Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures
Carl Meade
UG_Poster-0005 | The Effect Backpack Load on the Sample Entropy of Static Posture in Healthy College Students
Miranda Gonzalez
UG_Poster-0006 | Spatial distribution of organic matter content of restored oyster reefs
Kalie Tovar
UG_Poster-0007 | The Effect of Optic Flow and Gait Speed Disconnect on Dynamic Parameters of Static Posture in Healthy Young Adults
Madison Cuellar
UG_Poster-0008 | Efficient and Economic Heparin Recovery from biological mixture Using different types of adsorbents.
Niko Longoria; Katelyn Reid
UG_Poster-0009 | Learning by Serving at Redhead Pond: Removing Invasive Species
Victoria Sedillo; Ti'yana Lovings
UG_Poster-0010 | Assisting with Lowering Food Insecurity: Service-Learning with The Salvation Army
Christian Quintero
UG_Poster-0011 | Empowering futures: Raising awareness for foster youth through community - based learning at Agape Ranch
Ariana Esquivel
UG_Poster-0012 | Community mental health support as viewed through a lens of service.
Mia Kemp
UG_Poster-0013 | Environmental service-learning: Invasive species removal and trash clean-up at Redhead Pond Wildlife Management Area
Allie Watson
UG_Poster-0014 | Developing clarinet-specific skills with middle school students: A service learning project
Allison Maruschak
UG_Poster-0015 | Serving and Learning for Edgar and Ivy's Cat Sanctuary
Dillon C Conaway
UG_Poster-0016 | Assessing Demographics of Historical Fish Populations with Archival Scales
Haven Stevenson
UG_Poster-0017 | OCEANS Project; Inspiring Cross Generational Environmental Stewardship in the Flour Bluff Community
Hector Antonio Geronimo Watt; Mataia Paley; Taylor Rausch
UG_Poster-0018 | Understanding the Power of Language and Communication: A Service-Learning Project
Michelle Hazard; Ivy Nguyen
UG_Poster-0019 | Environmental Stewardship in Primary Education: A Place-Based Learning Project
Ciara Bohn; Ava Gates
UG_Poster-0020 | Community-based service learning: Awareness of food insecurities
Aaron Schnacker
UG_Poster-0021 | Theoretical Prediction of Stereospecific Binding Affinities for Selected β-Blockers to Amino Acid-Based Molecular Micelles
Thea Kraft
UG_Poster-0022 | Distinguishing change in seagrass algal-epiphyte communities using absorbance and fluorescence spectral properties
Amelia Mangum
UG_Poster-0023 | A Comparative Analysis of Amino Acid Profiles and Nitrogen Isotope Patterns in Zooplankton and Associated Fecal Pellets
Ames Finley
UG_Poster-0024 | Civic Learning with the Flour Bluff Citizens Council: Understanding Water Quality in the Community
Hannah Bishop; Nicole Salman; Sydney Quimby
UG_Poster-0025 | Community Service Learning: Removing Invasive Species and Litter from Redhead Pond
Eduardo Amador
UG_Poster-0026 | Service Learning with the Corpus Christi Literacy Council: Helping Our Community Read
Camila Elisea
UG_Poster-0027 | Raman spectroscopy characterization of core gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) for anticancer drug delivery
Lauren Reyna
UG_Poster-0028 | Synthesis of Novel Thiazolothiazole-Based Fluorescent Trianglimine Macrocycles
Emily Hall
UG_Poster-0029 | Serving at the TPWD: CCA Marine Development Center to understand local fish population restoration initiatives.
Aiden Adapathya
UG_Poster-0030 | Internet-of-Things Sensor Balloon for Solar Eclipse
Hoang Wong; Stephen Dennis
UG_Poster-0031 | Development Of Systematic Optimization Diffusion Order Spectroscopy (DOSY) NMR
Saylor Blanco
UG_Poster-0032 | Raindrop Microphysics in Warm Rain Precipitation Features Inferred from 6-Year GPM Dual Frequency Radar Retrievals
Kelsey Olson
UG_Poster-0033 | Acoustic surveys for seasonal movement of insectivorous birds along an elevational gradient in the Pacific forest of Ecuador
Ryce Hailes
UG_Poster-0034 | Isotopic differences among three estuarine-dependent species in Texas
Nichole Dopp
UG_Poster-0035 | Community-based learning and service: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
Ashley Gutierrez
UG_Poster-0036 | Determine the effects environmental pollution have on the colonization of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (AMF) in a coastal dune species.
Breanna Garcia
UG_Poster-0037 | Language Data Processing for Applied Interdisciplinary Corpus Linguistics Research
Jennifer Vasquez
UG_Poster-0038 | Backpack Load and Unload Influence on Positional Parameters in the Static Posture of College Students
Katya Mata; Hevan Nieto
UG_Poster-0039 | Athletes Have Increased Lower Extremity Joint Moments and Powers Compared to Non-Athletes When Landing From Height
Kaleb Luna
UG_Poster-0040 | Highly Charged Covalent Organic Frameworks Bearing Spiro-Cored Tetracationic Molecular Cruciform Repeat Units
Leah Marr-Lyon
UG_Poster-0041 | Development of nanoparticles for assessing antimicrobial and host modulatory effects of bioactive molecules
Paige Rogers
UG_Poster-0042 | Learning Through Service: Project Cancer Care
Kendall Gardner; Kaeda Reamer; Destini Sanchez-Warren; Maryam Sharafeldin
UG_Poster-0043 | Understanding the Role of Environmental Advocacy through Community-Based Learning
Aleena Roy
UG_Poster-0045 | Service-learning experience: Assisting the increasing feral cat population in Nueces County
Peyton Cole
UG_Poster-0046 | Gulf Coast Jaguarundi: A South Texas Sighting Validation Model
Suzy McCall
UG_Poster-0047 | An epidemic model to track SARS-CoV2 from Potential Viral Loads in Wastewater
Hanna Vinklarek; Aleesha Zissa
UG_Poster-0048 | Vitamin B12 Levels in adolescent Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Maya Manahan; Subashini Baskar
UG_Poster-0049 | The potential impacts of ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) on the biology and physiology of (sub)tropical coral and crustose coralline algae (CCA) species
Danielle Lisiecki
UG_Poster-0050 | Efficiency of Curanderismo-based Plant Tinctures Measured by Kirby-Bauer Susceptibility Assays on Vibrio vulnificus isolates from the Atlantic Coast
Itza Valdez
UG_Poster-0051 | Conservation of Fish Environment, Volunteering at Fish Hatchery, Service- Learning about the Fish Conservation at the CCA Marine Development Center
Adeel Ahmed
Isabelle Morales
UG_Poster-0053 | Wildlife Rehabilitation at the Texas Sealife Center: A Service-Learning Project
Andrea Radish
UG_Poster-0054 | Photochromic Optical Density Transitions of a Novel Thiazolothiazole-Viologen Amphiphile in Water
Sarah Yniguez
UG_Poster-0055 | Harnessing Cellulose-Stabilized Radical Cations to Develop Fluorescent Thermochromic Inks with a Built-In High Temperature Cut-Off
Connor Duncan
UG_Poster-0056 | Impacts of flame retardants on T-lymphocyte maturation in Japanese medaka larvae
Oliver Puckett
UG_Poster-0057 | Shifting Industrial Landscapes: Baseline Ammonia Levels in the Nueces and San Patricio Airshed
Sofia Miatello
UG_Poster-0058 | A mathematical Model to analyze pharmokinetics of Ozempic 'A weight Reducing Drug'
Madalyn Lilljedahl; Alexander Ray
UG_Poster-0059 | Can Portable Muon Detectors be Used to Understand Atmospheric Dynamics?
Abigail Danielle Vasquez
UG_Poster-0060 | Solid State Fluorescence Mechanochromism of a Spiro-Cored Molecular Cruciform
Charles Jackson
UG_Poster-0061 | The Effect of Backpack Load on Lower Extremity Gait Variability in College Aged Young Adults
Shane Gary
UG_Poster-0062 | Exploring the Impact of Roads on the Movement of Texas Tortoises in Their Habitat
Natalia Pellum
UG_Poster-0063 | Learning About the Health of our Bays Through Service
Summer Franklin
UG_Poster-0064 | Service Learning with the Salvation Army
Brooklynn Hale
UG_Poster-0065 | Benthic Characterization of Coral Reef Habitats around Moku o Loʻe, Kāneʻohe Bay Hawaiʻi"
Soleil DeLorge
UG_Poster-0066 | Community-based learning: Assisting and serving the stray cat population in Nueces County.
Kaitlyn Woods
UG_Poster-0067 | Error Analysis of Raw Proto-DUNE data with Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
Ashley Marines
UG_Poster-0068 | Barefoot to Shod: Understanding Children's Gait Kinematics in Different Footwear Conditions
Samantha Martinez
UG_Poster-0069 | Assessing the Surface Evaporation over the Gulf of Mexico: Influence of the Loop Current Variation
Alexander Ray
GR_Poster-0001 | Common Bottlenose Dolphin Acoustics in Diverse Foraging Contexts
Emily McGhee
GR_Poster-0002 | From "Old Age" to "New Sage" Studying How Adults 55+ Learn
Shelby Sharpe
GR_Poster-0003 | Addressing Elementary Students Academic Learning Losses Post Covid-19
Mary Keene
Olivia Smith
GR_Poster-0005 | Establishing A Point of Beginning – a Novel Approach to Online Asynchronous Geomatics Education for Texas High School Students
Aurelia O'Neil
GR_Poster-0006 | What Birds Tell Us: Monitoring Birds in Cacao Agroforests of Western Ecuador Using Bioacoustics
Rebecca Davis
GR_Poster-0007 | Using Vibrio alginolyticus Isolates to Determine the Efficacy of Plant Tinctures to Inhibit Vibrio spp.
Brian Kostoch
GR_Poster-0008 | Prediction of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations Using Monotonically Constrained Neural Network
Oluwaseun Ogunfile
GR_Poster-0009 | Early Childhood General Education Novice Teachers and the Inclusive Classroom-Pilot Study
Kimberly C Juneau
Yun Lee
GR_Poster-0011 | Obesity, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Neighborhood Environments in the City of Corpus Christi, TX
Emily Brennan
GR_Poster-0012 | Assessment of Water Quality in a Model Coastal Bend Canal Community
Nora Bleth
GR_Poster-0013 | Does the environment or social media affect our teens emotional health?
Kelci Ellis
Sai Koushik Katakam; Qiming Guo
GR_Poster-0015 | Synthesis of Amphiphilic Naphthalimide-Based Fluorescent Molecular Sensor
Victoire Delattre
GR_Poster-0016 | Technology in Elementary School Education
Nia Balarin
GR_Poster-0017 | Characterizing Cyanobacterial Mats on Wind-Tidal Flats at Padre Island National Seashore
Zahra Hasan
GR_Poster-0018 | Prevalence and Prevention of Suicidality in Adolescents
Joely Diaczenko
GR_Poster-0019 | Epidemic modeling on networks
Aleksei Krasnikov
GR_Poster-0020 | Synthesis and purification of novel bifurcated amino acid- based surfactants
Angelina Garcia
GR_Poster-0021 | Nurdle Rush - From Gamer to Citizen Scientist
Khoi Nguyen
GR_Poster-0022 | Physical Properties of Mixed Cationic and Anionic Amino Acid Surfactants
Rita Muniz
James T. Morales; Joshua C. Monrad
GR_Poster-0024 | Quantifying the distribution of a key microarthropod across the coastal transition gradient in Oso Bay wetlands
Peyton Calderon
GR_Poster-0025 | The Influence of Sensation-Seeking Behaviors in Predicting Suicidal Ideation in Gen-Z Adolescence
Justen Schroeder
Olivia Hughes
GR_Poster-0027 | Exploring Psychedelic Potentials: A Neurophysiological Investigation of Psilocin in an Invertebrate Model
Hannah Yarbrough
Aubany Moon
GR_Poster-0029 | Research Proposal Project: Investigating the Relationship Between Adolescent Mental Health, Screen Time, and Body Image Perceptions
Dominique Herrera Pena
GR_Poster-0030 | Nitric oxide effects on neural correlates of long-term sensitization in the mollusk Aplysia
Landrue C Richards
GR_Poster-0031 | Assessing Invasive Feral Swine Diet in the Aransas and Copano Bay Wetlands
Brenna Edwards; Annalisa Hernandez
GR_Poster-0032 | Development of Seagrass Epiphyte Image Analysis to Detect Changing Environmental Conditions
Carissa Pinon
GR_Poster-0033 | Solubility and aggregation behaviors of dicarboxylic mixed micelle amino acid-based surfactant systems
Xitlali Gallegos-Cruz
GR_Poster-0034 | Creating a Geo-spatial Map from the Quantification of Light Attenuation
Laura Ramirez
GR_Poster-0035 | Optimizing Orbitrap-based isotopic analysis of nitrate by coupling Orbitrap-MS with chromatographic separation techniques
Allyson Girard
GR_Poster-0036 | Managing time-sensitive Applications in Vehicular Digital Twin Environment Using Serverless Computing
Abdolazim Rezaei
GR_Poster-0037 | On modeling brittle fracture within the context of strain-limiting theories of elasticity
Maria Pieo Fernando
GR_Poster-0038 | Digital Elevation Model Generation using Highly Oblique Stereo Imagery via Structure from Motion Photogrammetry in a Coastal Area
Mona Hajiesmaeeli
GR_Poster-0039 | A quick method for assessing algal blooms at the sea surface microlayer (SML) of Corpus Christi Bay
Maira Afzal
GR_Poster-0040 | Coastal Community Resilience: Post-Disaster Depression and Anxiety in a Texas Ethnic Minority Community
Ana Marisa Guerrero
Lawrence Izuagie; Aurelia O'Neil
Wayne Hodge
GR_Poster-0043 | Pilot Testing of Survey Instrument for School Teacher's Retirement Decision
Rizwan Shaikh
GR_Poster-0044 | Pilot study of Effects of Vitamin D levels and Maximal Aerobic Power in NCAA Division I Basketball Athletes
Leah Rae Solis
GR_Poster-0045 | Vitamin D Levels and the Effect on Muscular Power
Emily Ramirez
GR_Poster-0046 | Sun Exposure, Skin Phenotype, and Nutrition Sources on Vitamin D Levels in Division 1 Men's Basketball
Hunter Alonzo
UG_Art-0002 | Celestial Navigation
Jazlyn Voorhees
Sarah Hervert
UG_Art-0004 | Suspect Botany
Danielle Griffin
UG_Art-0005 | Whimsy and wonder: fusing materials to make sculpture.
Judy Metcalf
UG_Art-0006 | Doll Making and Design
Angela Owens
UG_Art-0009 | Got Plastic?
Amber Basaldu; Alina DeJesus; Misty Gonzalez
UG_Art-0010 | First United Methodist Church
John Conyers
UG_Art-0011 | Portfolio
Lawson Love
UG_Art-0012 | Artwork Showcase
Daniel De Leon
UG_Art-0013 | The Ballad of Maria Martin Lighting Design
Mark Capuano; Robert Wilt
GR_Art-0001 | An Investigation into Allegorical Storytelling
Ashley Burnett
GR_Art-0002 | Artificial Aesthetics: Challenging Art with AI
Ian Manseau
GR_Art-0003 | Unveiling personal narratives through surreal imagery
Mariana Ruvalcaba Cruz