About us

Involvement Center & Programs 

Stop by the Student Involvement Center in University Center (UC) 218 to find a place to study, make a banner for your student organization, and meet our amazing Student Activities staff and student leaders who coordinate the following programs:  


Student Activities Administrative Staff

Contact us for assistance or questions related to Student Activities

Photo of Stephanie Schmidt

Stephanie Schmidt

Director of Student Activities
photo of Jennifer Randolph

Jennifer Randolph

Associate Director Student Activities

Benjamin Oliveira

Student Activities Coordinator; Service
(361) 825-2706
Photo of Courtney Henderson

Courtney Henderson

Student Activities Coordinator; Student Organizations
(361) 825-2182
Lauren Breckenridge

Lauren Breckenridge

Student Activities Coordinator; Leadership & Traditions
(361) 825-5778
Sierra Scott

Sierra Scott

Student Activities Coordinator; Fraternity & Sorority Life
(361) 825-2707

Shelby Wilson

Student Activities Coordinator; Programming
(361) 825-6290

Cierrah Godin

Communication Specialist for Student Life

Sandra Garcia

Administrative Assistant
(361) 825-2707

Our Mission 

The Student Activities Department is dedicated to cultivating students of character.  Through inclusive programming, we promote leadership development, campus and community engagement and responsible citizenship that compliments the academic experience and instills Islander pride.