Advisor Resources
The main goal of student organizations is to support the academic mission of Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi by providing students with an outlet to relieve stress in a positive manner or to engage with others who share the same academic and/or personal interests.
The Student Organization's Office (SOO) aims to connect students throughout the campus, provide a personalized atmosphere for each unique student, and allow the students to utilize the skills learned within the classroom in real-world interactions. This affords the opportunity for personal growth and the ability to practice interpersonal skills that are valuable in higher education and furthermore, in a professional setting beyond college. However, none of this is possible without the advisor. The advisor provides sustainability and guidance to the students in charge of and participating in organizations on campus. This role comes with many different responsibilities and below are some resources to both inform and assist current and potential advisors on how to become a better resource for the student organization(s).
Attributes of a Good Advisor
In practice, being an organization advisor is much like being a professor. Like a professor, the advisor should look to teach students how to be leaders and how to effectively manage their time and resources so that their organizations can achieve their respective goals. The advisor should never look to dictate to students how to go about running their organization, but rather facilitate opportunities for students to learn and apply personal skills that will allow them to develop into a holistic individual during their time at TAMU-CC and beyond. While the material, curriculum, and tests may look different, the process is much the same. Below are some of the attributes an advisor can look to practice.
Awareness: Knows what is always happening with the group (i.e. problems, dates of functions, etc.)
Dedication: Always being willing to assist the organization when necessary. Enjoys being associated with the group and is involved.
Visibility: Attends meetings, social functions and other special activities of the group when possible.
Informed: Familiar with the rules, policies, and regulations of the university. Including the bylaws and constitution of the organization. As well as being prepared to render assistance with their interpretation.
Supportive: Provides encouragement and praise to group members.
Open-mindedness: Willing to consider new ideas and approaches.
Respectful: Earned through being trustworthy, honest, and demonstrating a genuine interest in the welfare of the group.
Legal Information
One thing to keep in mind when making the decision to become an advisor of an organization is the legal liability associated with the role. In general, the advisor is responsible for giving advice to student organizations and as such would not be held liable unless they are involved in illegal activities or deemed negligent in their duties. Using one's best judgment will help determine what needs to be completed in the event that an activity is potentially dangerous or unethical. An advisor who utilizes appropriate techniques to insure the safety of the participants will usually not be judged liable should a participant become injured.
When issues arise, the opinions of the advisor should be sought and given proper consideration. Although the advisor is not responsible for policymaking, she/he may make recommendations and should expect that these will be considered.
The literature on student organization advising suggests these main functions of responsibility for advisors: Train, Maintain, Supervise, Warn of Impending Danger, and Document.
If an issue were to ever arise that you as an advisor was ever unsure or felt that you needed more guidance, our office is always here as a resource. It is our responsibility to be up to date on current policies, procedures, and laws that could influence the situation you are presented with.
Advisor Trainings
SOO provides monthly Advisor Trainings open to any organization advisor. Dates, times, and locations for the events can be found on the SOO I-Engage page. For any questions or concerns, please contact