Virtual Permit Guide- Faculty/Staff/Adjunct
Full-Time Faculty and Staff: Payment is made via Payroll deduction or LUMP SUM
Payroll deduction: Complete Payroll Deduction Authorization - Parking Permit. Bring form to UPD or send via email to for submission to Payroll.
Lump Sum: Go to the TAMU-CC Parking Portal to purchase your parking pass online. If requesting to make payment in person you may do so at the Business Office, advise of type or permit purchase. Receipt is to be brought to UPD for issuance of virtual pass. Virtual permit will not be issued out if a receipt is not provided.
- When updating you vehicle on the portal be sure to go under "Permits", "View Permits" under the vehicles listed be sure the correct vehicle is linked.
PART-TIME/Adjunct Employee: Are NOT eligible for payroll deduction. You must go to the TAMU-CC Parking Portal or Business office to pay for permit. Bring receipt to University Police Department for permit issuance.
Adjuncts working less than 50% FTE will be issued permit by Center for Faculty Excellence (CCH115).
Note: If you possess a handicap placard: Reminders the placard must belong to you or the owner of the pass must be present. If you will be parking on campus a epermit, or payment through ParkMobile is required.