There are many projected expenses that students need to plan for, and making sure that you are financially prepared to meet these financial obligations will help you in the long run. Start planning and saving as far in advance as possible!
Projected Expenses:
Tuition fees: All programs will be encompass a tuition fee; however, depending on the program, the institution which will assess the fee will vary. Exchange and faculty-led program participants will be assessed TAMU-CC tuition by TAMU-CC while abroad on their program. Tuition fees and deadlines will follow TAMU-CC deadlines for the term abroad. Students participating on provider programs will be assessed tuition by the provider program, or their host university. Tuition fees and deadlines for provider programs are determined by the provider or host university.
Program fees: Program fees usually encompass the major amenities that may be provided to students for a program (i.e., housing, in-country transportation, meals (if included), scheduled excursions, etc.). Different programs will include various amenities, and program fees may be collected at different times based on the program selection. Some provider programs may include tuition in the overall program fees that they assess to participants, so check with your provider program to be sure.
Out-of-pocket Expenses: Out of pocket expenses are individual expenses that students will need to be responsible for as the expense is specific to each participant and not something that can be assessed to a group as a whole. Out-of-pocket expenses will vary; however, may include some of the following: meals (if not provided by program), textbooks/materials, passport or visa fees, personal spending, additional excursions.
Types of Financial Resources Available:
Financial Aid: Federal or state grants or loans available through the TAMU-CC Financial Aid Office.
Scholarships: Department Scholarships/ TAMU-CC Scholarships/ Private Scholarship/ Regional, National, International Scholarships
Other sources: Parent(s) or guardian(s), Family or friends, Fundraising campaign (through community organizations or online)